You are working as SQL Server DBA / Developer. You have many databases on SQL Server Instance and you would like to check in which databases table exists or does not exists.Declare @TableName VARCHAR(128) --Provide the Table Name that you would like to Check SET @TableName='MyTestTable' --Drop Temp table if exists to save record IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##RecordCount') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##RecordCount CREATE TABLE ##RecordCount ( ServerName VARCHAR(128), DatabaseName VARCHAR(128) ,TableName VARCHAR(128) ,IsExists VARCHAR(10) ) --Use Cursor to Loop through Databases DECLARE @DatabaseName AS VARCHAR(500) DECLARE CDCCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases where database_id>4 OPEN CDCCursor FETCH NEXT FROM CDCCursor INTO @DatabaseName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @DBName AS NVARCHAR(500); SET @DBName = QUOTENAME(N'' + @DatabaseName + ''); Print @DbName --USE Dynamic SQL To change the Database Name EXEC ( N'USE ' + @DBName + N'; EXEC('' Insert into ##RecordCount Select @@ServerName,DB_Name() AS DatabaseName, '''''+@TableName+''''',(Select CASE WHEN count(*)>1 then ''''YES'''' ELSE ''''NO'''' END AS IsExist from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME='''''+@TableName+''''' and Table_Type=''''BASE TABLE'''') '');' ); FETCH NEXT FROM CDCCursor INTO @DatabaseName END CLOSE CDCCursor DEALLOCATE CDCCursor --Return if Table Exists SELECT * FROM ##RecordCount
How to find if Table exists in all the databases in SQL Server