SSRS Interview Questions - What should be the data type for Radio Button Parameter Type in SSRS Report

To create Radio Button Parameter in SSRS Report, The data type should be set to boolean for Parameter.

After writing the query for your report by using bit type column, you have to go to Parameter properties and then set the Parameter data type to boolean to show Radio Buttons, Otherwise you will see a text box for parameter value.

Query for report with Single Value parameter, remember IsActive is Bit type Column in table.

FROM dbo.TotalSale
WHERE IsActive = @Param_IsActive

Text Box will show up as we have not set the Parameter Data Type to Boolean

Let's go ahead and change the Data type of Param_IsActive Parameter to Boolean

Run the report and you will see now you have Radio Button Parameter. 

SSRS Interview Questions and Answers - What are range parameters in SSRS Report

Range parameters are used to choose a range of values. Let's say we would like to see data between two dates. We can create two parameters StartDate and EndDate.
The query to create date range parameters is shown below

FROM dbo.TotalSale
WHERE SaleDate BETWEEN @StartDate
        AND @EndDate

We often use Range Parameters and configure them with default values to show records e.g
  • Get records from start of the year to date
  • Get records from start of month to date
  • get all records for current quarter etc.

SSRS Interview Questions and Answers - What are Cascading parameters in SSRS report?

Cascading Parameters are set of parameters in which values of one Parameters depends on the value choose in another parameters.

It is always good idea to explain your answer with examples in interview. Let's consider below example.
We have a single value parameter call Region and then on selection of Region Parameter value, we would like to display Countries related to that region in Country Parameter.

The Region Parameter, you can provide static values or you can get the values from query. If more regions can be added or removed, it is good idea to get values for Parameter by using query. Let's say our table name is dbo.TotalSale which has Region, Country and other columns.

Main Query for Report

FROM dbo.TotalSale
WHERE Region = @Param_Region
    AND Country IN (@Param_Country)

Query for @Param_Region Parameter ( Single Value Parameter)

FROM dbo.TotalSale

Query for @Param_Country ( Multi Value parameter). Notice that we have used @Param_Region Parameter to get only countries related to that Region.

FROM dbo.TotalSale
WHERE Region = @Param_Region

SSRS Interview Question - You have created a report, the report has month name as parameter, What is best way to provide values for month name parameter?

As we have fixed set of month names and they don't change. we can add the month names as static values in report for Month Name Parameter.

If the values of parameter does change often, it is good idea to insert them in a table and use Query to extract them for Parameter in report. By doing that we don't have to make changes in report every time if we have to add or remove value. We can simply insert or delete value/s in table those will be extracted by query.

You can use below script to create table for month Names.

Create Table dbo.rpt_MonthName ( MonthName VARCHAR(50))
insert into dbo.rpt_MonthName values

Select * from dbo.rpt_MonthName

Add Month Name Parameter Values in SSRS Report - SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) Interview Questions and Answers

SSRS Interview Questions - Is there a way to provide default value/s to your parameter in SSRS Report?

Parameters are used to filter data in report. Default value/s can be configured for Parameter/s in SSRS report. By configuring default values in report, the report will run with those parameter values. The viewer/user can choose different values for parameter/s after first execution of report.

To set the default value/s for parameter
Right click on Parameter and choose Parameter Properties
Then click on Default Values Tab
For static Values : You can click on Specify Values radio button and then Add the values as you like ( I would not like to use this, as to add/delete any value , we always have to open report for change and redeploy after saving changes)
The Default Values can also be get from Query. You can use Get Values from query ( I prefer this option, as we can add/remove values in table anytime and we don't have to open report to make change and redeploy.)

Can we provide Default Values to Parameter or Parameters in SSRS Report - SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) Interview Question sand Answers

SSRS Interview Question and Answers - How to Create Calendar Parameter in SSRS Report

Parameter/s are used to filter report data. We often has column/s in table which are date or datetime type. If we would like to use those column/s in our SSRS Report, we can create the parameter and have the Calendar icon to choose date.

Let's say we have a column in a table such as CreatedOn of Date type, we can write our query as below

FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE CreatedOn = @Param_CreateDOn

If we have column which is datetime and we would like to use only date part of it to filter our records by using parameter, our TSQL Query will be like below

FROM dbo.MyTable
WHERE Cast(CreatedOn AS DATE) = @Param_CreateDOn

After using the query in SSRS Report, we will see the Text Box for our parameter. As we want to have the Calendar, we need to change the parameter Data Type.
Right Click on the Parameter, go to properties and change the data type to Date/Time as shown below.

How to show calendar Parameter in SSRS Report - SSRS Interview Question

Calendar Parameter in SSRS Report - SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) Interview Questions and Answers

SSRS Interview Questions and Answers - How would you write your TSQL Query or Stored Procedure for Multi Value Parameter Report in SSRS

Parameter/s in reports are used to filter data. Multi Value parameter is one that can accept more than one value.

Let's say if we would like to create report with RegionName Parameter that should be able to accept more than one Region value. Our T-SQL will use IN clause and small parenthesis around Parameter Name.

FROM dbo.MyTableName
WHERE Region IN (@RegionName)

 We can also write a Stored Procedure with Multi Value Parameter. To create multi value parameter, We need IN clause and each value in IN Clause should have (single quotes) around. When SSRS pass multiple values to parameter, it separate them by comma ( ,). We need to replace the comma with single quotes and comma as you can see in highlighted code. After that we can write our Dynamic SQL Query to use the value of  Parameter.

Create Procedure dbo.sp_TotalSale
@Region VARCHAR(500)

Declare @var_Region VARCHAR(500)
SET @var_Region=Replace(@Region,',',''',''')
--print @var_Region
Select     [SalePersonFName]









           ,[Region] into ##Temp

           from dbo.TotalSale

           where Region in ('''+@var_Region+''')'
--Print @SQL
Execute( @SQL )

Select * From ##Temp

drop table ##Temp


Execute dbo.sp_TotalSale 'Asia,Europe'

SSRS Interview Questions and Answers - How would you write TSQL Query or Stored Procedure with Single Value Parameter in SSRS Report

Parameters are used to filter the data in report. Single value parameter is parameter which can accept only one value at a time.

To create your report with single value parameter , in Where clause you will be using "=" sign and Parameter name.

Let's say we want to create RegionName Parameter, we can write query as below

WHERE Region = @RegionName

Let's say if you would like to create two single value parameters RegionName and CountryName in your report

FROM dbo.MyTableName
WHERE Region = @RegionName
    AND Country = @CountryName

You can also use the Stored Procedure for your report with Single value parameter/s. The where clause will be using "=" and then Parameter name as shown below. In below Stored Procedure we are only using @Region Parameter. You can create Stored Procedure with Multiple Single Value parameters if required by adding conditions in Where clause as we did in above query for Region and Country.

Create procedure dbo.sp_SalesTotal
@Region VARCHAR(100)
Select [SalePersonFName]
           from dbo.TotalSale
           where Region=@Region

SSRS Interview Questions and Answers - What is Multi value parameter in SSRS Report

Parameter/s in report are used to filter the data. Parameters are really useful to extract only required data as well present the data which is required by the user.

Multi Value parameter in SSRS Report let the user choose multiple values for the Parameter. While creating SSRS Report, we can either provide Static values for our Multi value parameter inside the report or we can use query to extract values from database for our multi value parameter.

Default values can be configured for multi value parameter as well if required, otherwise user can choose values for parameter at run-time.

If a parameter is multi value parameter, you will see a drop down with check boxes. You have the option to Select All or you can choose the values what you like. For value for multi value parameter can be text, integer, date type.

SSRS Interview Questions - What is Single Value parameter in SSRS Report

Parameter/s in reports are used to filter the data. Single Value parameter in SSRS is the parameter which can accept only single value.

You can configure Single Value Parameter with default value or leave for user to choose before view the report data.

The values for Single value parameter can be stored in report ( Static values) or you can use Query to get values from database and user can choose one at run-time.

Single Value parameter value can be provided by using below

A text Box for parameter value where user has to type by himself/herself
Drop Down list and user will choose one value out of them
Radio Button ( User can either choose True or False)
Date-Time ( Calendar Drop down)
In case of linked reports(drill through) cell value can be mapped to single value parameter

SSRS Interview Questions - What type of parameters are available in SSRS Report

Parameters are used to filter the report data. By using the parameter/s users can filter the information they would like to see instead of looking entire data on report.

SQL Server Reporting Services Reports can be configured to run with default parameter values or user can choose the values for parameter/s and then view the report.

For Parameter values, you can use either Static values inside report or you can use Query which can get the parameter values from Database.

SQL Server Reporting Services provided different types of parameters

  • Single Value Parameter
  • Multi Value Parameter
  • DateTime type Parameter ( Calendar type)
  • Boolean Type Parameter ( Radio Button)
  • Cascading Type Parameter

How to Save Query Results to Text or Excel File From SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)

In this video you will learn how to save query results in TEXT, Report or Excel format. It explains different options to save query results such as in Text file, in grid and in reporting (.rpt) format. It also shows how to save query results with header (column names) in SQL Server Management studio.

How to Save Query Results to Text or Excel File From SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS)

SQL Server Configuration Manager Options in SQL Server

In this video you will learn an overview of SQL Server Configuration manager, video discusses various options of SQL Server Configuration manager such as SQL Server component services, SQL Server network configuration 32 bit, SQL Server network configuration 64 bit, SQL Server Native client, SQL Server native client 11.0 32 bit, SQL Server native client 64 bit, SQL Server configuration client protocols, TCP/IP, Shared memory, Named Pipe. It demonstrates how to enable disable protocol for SQL Server connection, how to create alias in SQL Server, how to connect to Alias in using sql server management studio.

SQL Server Configuration Manager Options in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Create Backup Maintenance Plan in SQL Server

In this video you will learn how to create Database Backup Maintenance Plan step by step. After watching this video, you will be able to create new maintenance plan, navigate to the Tool Box, Navigate to the database backup task, configure database Task, step by step walk through maintenance plan options and whether to select system database, user database, all database or selective databases. You will also learn how to view maintenance plan and SQL Server Agent Jobs for newly created maintenance plan.

How to Create Backup Maintenance Plan in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

What is Database Backup & How Many Types of Backups available in SQL Server

In this video you will learn what is database backup, why we need database backups, what are the best practices of backing up SQL Server databases. It also illustrates how many types of backups available in SQL Server, what is Full backup? What is Differential Backup and what is Transaction Log backup. It also shows different scenarios of backup strategy in real time production environment. it is part of complete SQL Server DBA Tutorial.

What is Database Backup & How Many Types of Backups available in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Script out an Entire Database in SQL Server

In this video you will learn how to script out entire SQL Server Database using SQL Server Management studio. It shows step by step process of using Wizard to Generate script of your database objects such as tables, store procedures, functions and views. It also demonstrates how to script out specific object of a SQL Server database.

How to Script out an Entire Database in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

What are create database best practices

In this video you will learn best practices of SQL Server Databases such as location of data and log files, initial size of the database, Auto growth options, collation, recovery models and some of the other important options of a database.

What are create database best practices - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install SQL Server in Active Passive Cluster Mode

In this video you will learn how to install SQL Server in Active-Passive cluster mode, video goes through following

1- Installation of SQL Server in Cluster mode with an overview of existing cluster
2- SQL Server cluster mode installation requirements and pre-requisites
3- Best practices for SQL Server Engine and SQL Server Agent service accounts
4- SQL Server service account permissions requirements
5- Overview and best practices of Shared Disks in SQL Server Cluster

How to Install SQL Server in Active Passive Cluster Mode - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install SQL Server 2014 in Cluster mode

In this video you will learn how to install sql server in cluster mode. The video walk you through step by step with all requirements to install SQL Server in Cluster Mode.

How to Install SQL Server 2014 in Cluster mode - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install SQL Server Data Tools SSDT

In this video you will learn how to install SQL Server Data Tools. The SSDT is same like BIDS. SSDT is used to develop SSIS Package, SSAS and SSRS reports for SQL server 2012 and SQL Server 2014.

How to Install SQL Server Data Tools SSDT - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to install and configure Reporting services in SQL Server

This video illustrates step by step process of SQL Server Reporting Services 2014 installation and Configuration in native mode.

This video is part of SQL Server 2014 complete installation package in which you will learn how to Install Database Engine,SQL Server Integration Services ( SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS), SQL Server Master Data Services, SQL Server Data Quality Service.

How to install and configure Reporting services in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Create Integration Services Catalog in SQL Server

In this video we are going to learn how to create Integration Services Catalog. To deploy your SSIS Package you need this database. 

This video is part of SQL Server 2014 complete installation package in which you will learn how to Install Database Engine,SQL Server Integration Services ( SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS), SQL Server Master Data Services, SQL Server Data Quality Service.

How to Create Integration Services Catalog in SQL Server SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) in SQL Server 2014

This video explains how to install SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 2014 after you have installed SQL Server Data Engine.
This video explains if SSIS is cluster aware or not.

How to Install SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) in SQL Server 2014 - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install Data Quality Services Client in SQL Server

In this video we will learn how to install and configure Data Quality Services Client. The Data Quality Services Server and Client can be installed separately. You can install Data Quality Services Client on the same machine where you have installed Data Quality Services Server or on different machine.

How to Install Data Quality Services Client in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install and configure Master Data Services in SQL Server

In this video we will show you how to install and configure Master Data Services(MSD). It explain little bit information what is Master Data Service. 

The video will explain how to install database part and web part of Master Data Servies (MDS).

How to Install and configure Master Data Services in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to Install Data Quality Services (DQS) in SQL Server

In this video you will learn how to install and configure Data Quality Services. There are two components DQS server and Client. DQS is feature of SQL Server, so we use the same media to install DQS. 

In this video we only install DQA Server. I have another video that show how to install Data Quality Services Client and how to connect to DQS server.

How to Install Data Quality Services (DQS) in SQL Server - SQL Server DBA Tutorial

How to install SQL Server 2014 step by step

The video shows you how to install SQL Server 2014 step by Step, It also discuss what are the requirements to install SQL Server 2014 as stand alone on your machine. By using this video you will be able to follow step by step installation for Database Engine, Reporting Services and other Components.

How to install SQL Server 2014 step by step - SQL Server DBA Tutorial Step by Step

How to find installed Features in windows 8.1

In this video you will learn how to Install the .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows 8 or 8.1. This is short video to enable 3.5 Framework on Windows 8.1 as required to install SQL Server 2014.

How to find installed Features in windows 8.1

How to write Annotations (Comments) in SSIS Packages

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Interview Question "What is Annotation in SSIS Package? Can we write annotation in Data Flow Pane?"

What is Annotation in SSIS Package
How to write Comments in SSIS Package

Annotations (Comments) in SSIS Packages - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS)

How to Debug an SSIS Package

In this video you will learn how to Debug your SSIS Package which failed in Production Environment.

This video can also be used to answer the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Interview question "How do you debug your SSIS package?"

How to Debug an SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is Data Viewer in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video you will learn the answer of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) interview question "What is data Viewer in SSIS? Is data viewer available in Control Flow or Data Flow? "

What is Data Viewer in SQL Server Integration Services Package
How to see the data in Data Flow Task while debugging/Troubleshooting SSIS Package

What is Data Viewer in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

Relationship between Executable and Event Handler in Event Handler Pane in SSIS Package

In this SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)  video you will learn
 "What is the relationship between Executable and Event Handler in Event Handler Pane?"

Relationship between Executable and Event Handler in Event Handler Pane in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What type of Tasks can we use in Event Handler Pane in SSIS Package

In this SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)  video you will learn "
What type of Tasks we can use in Event Handler pane in SSIS Package?"

What type of Tasks can we use in Event Handler Pane in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

Difference between Precedence Constaints and Event Handlers in SSIS Package

In this SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Interview Question video you will learn the answer of "
We can run any tasks in Control Flow Pane on Failure of a Task/s by using Precedence constraint. What are the advantages of using Event Handler over Precedence Constraints?"

Difference between Precedence Constaints and Event Handlers in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What are Event Handlers in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services Tutorial, you will learn What are Event Handlers in SSIS Package and Where we use them?

What are Event Handlers in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Use UnPivot Transformation in SSIS Package

Unpivot Transformation in SSIS Package is used to convert unnormalized datatset into more normalized dataset. By using UnPivot Transformation you will be converting the columns into single column.

The video explain why do we need to use UnPivot Transformation in SSIS Package.

The second part of the video consists of demo that will walk you through step by step how to read the data from flat file source and then Unpivot that by using UnPivot Transformation in SSIS Package.

At the end you will be able to see the data by using Data Viewer.

How to Use UnPivot Transformation in SSIS Package -SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use Pivot Transformation in SSIS Package

Pivot Transformation is used to convert Row Data into Columns. Pivot transformations makes normalized data less normalized.

In this video you will learn
Why do we need to use Pivot Transformation
Demo: How to use Pivot Transformation and details about Pivot Transformation Window setup

Pivot Key : Provide the column name which value you want to convert to columns
Set Key : Provide the column which values will be grouped as a row value
Pivot Value: Provide the column which has values

Note : You can ignore to provide the values and run your package in debug and then copy from output window or progress window and reopen and provide in Generate pivot output Column from values text box. As I know the values for my column those are month names , I have provided by myself or I could have run the package with Ignore and copy them later.

How to use Pivot Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use Export Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integratoin Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to Export files from SQL Server Table to a Folder by using Export Column Transformation in SSIS Package.

This video is also made to answer SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS ) Interview Question
"We have a table which contains different types of files that we want to export to folder. Which transformation do we need to use? "

How to use Export Column Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use Import Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to use Import Column Transformation in SSIS to load image files, text file, pdf file and all other formats to SQL Server Table.

This video is also used for SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS ) Interview Question " Which transformation can I use in SSIS to importimage files to a Table?"

How to use Import Column Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is Audit Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn How to use Audit Transformation in SSIS Package to audit information such as User Name, Package Name, Package Start Time.

What is Audit Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

Which Transformation we can use as Test Destination while Debugging an SSIS Package

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Interview Question "I am running my package for debugging and I do not want to load datainto any destination. Which transformation can I use to ensure that the data goes nowhere else?"

Which Transformation we can use as Test Destination while Debugging an SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is Multicast Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial,  you will learn how to use the Multicast Transformation in SSIS Package to distribute single input into multiple outputs and load into multiple destinations.

What is Multicast Transformation in SSIS Package -  SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is the difference between Multicast and ConditionalSplit Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will be able to learn the answer of SSIS Interview question "What is the major difference between ConditionalSplit and Multicast Transformation?"

The video also shows a quick demo

  1. How to use Multicast Transformation in SSIS
  2. How to use Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package
  3. How to use multiple Transformations in a Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

What is the difference between Multicast and ConditionalSplit Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Write Case Statement in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to write Case Statements in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package.

How to Write Case Statement in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package -SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Convert Month Number into Month Name in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial,  you will learn how to convert Month Number into Month Full Name and Month Short name by using Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package.

How to Convert Month Number into Month Name in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package -  SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Convert Null To Unknown in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, You will learn How to convert Null values to 'Unknown' before you insert into a table.

How to Convert Null To Unknown in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Write If Else Statement in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn "What is syntax for writing IF ELSE in Derived column Transformation in SSIS Package?"

How to Write If Else Statement in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use FindString function in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integratoin Services(SSIS) Tutorial, What is FindString Function and How to use in Derived Column Transformation.

You will learn

  1. How to split single column into multiple columns in SSIS Package
  2. How to use FindString to find index or position of a character in String in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package

How to use FindString function in Derived Column Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video you will learn how to answer SSIS interview question "What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package?"

You will learn

  1. How to use Union All transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to use Merge Transformation in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Multicast Transformation for Testing purpose
  4. how to use Data Viewer in SSIS Package to view data while debugging

What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package -  SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use Merge Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video you will learn the answer of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Interview Question
"If we have source S1 and Source S2, and we need to merge them so that we get sorted output, which transformation would we use in SSIS Package?"

How to use Merge Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Perform Cross Join in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to answer SQL Server integration Services (SSIS ) Interview Question
"In Merge Join Transformation, we can use Inner Join, Left Join and Full Outer Join. If I have to use Cross Join, which transformation would I use?"

We will learn following items in this video

  1. What is Cross Join
  2. What is Inner join 
  3. How to use Merge Join transformation in SSIS Package
  4. How to use Merge Join Transformation in Data Flow Task to perform Cross Join
  5. How to use Sort Transformation in SSIS Package
  6. How to use Multicast Transformation in SSIS Package

How to Perform Cross Join in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video you will learn how to answer SSIS interview question "What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package?"

You will learn
  1. How to use Union All transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to use Merge Transformation in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Multicast Transformation for Testing purpose
  4. how to use Data Viewer in SSIS Package to view data while debugging

What is the difference between Merge and Union All Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Perform Union Operation in Data Flow Task in SSIS Pacakge

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you learn the answer of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Question
"There is no Union Transformation in SSIS. How do you perform UNION operation using built-in Transformation?"

How to Perform Union Operation in Data Flow Task in SSIS Pacakge - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to use Sort Transformation to Remove Duplicate Records in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to use Sort Transformation in Data Flow task to remove duplicate records and only load unique records to SQL Server Destination.

The video also covers

  1. How to create new SSIS Package
  2. How to read the data from flat file in SSIS Package
  3. How to load the data to SQL Server Table from Flat file source in SSIS Package
  4. How to use Sort Transformation in SSIS Package to remove duplicate records
  5. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Package to read from source and load into destination.

How to use Sort Transformation to Remove Duplicate Records in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Use Row Count Transformation to Log Record Count in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to get the insert row count and log into audit table for SSIS Package. This is real time scenario that we use to log different type of row counts such as insert, update, delete to log table for each SSIS Package execution.

The video also covers

  1. How to create an SSIS Package 
  2. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Package
  3. How to create Audit Table for SSIS Package Execution
  4. How to use Flat file Source to read text file in SSIS Package
  5. How to load data to a table in SSIS Package
  6. How to create variables in SSIS Package
  7. How to store Insert row count in a variable in SSIS Package
  8. How to use Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package
  9. How to Map parameters for Insert statement in Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package
  10. How to use Data Flow Task with Source and Destination in SSIS Package

How to Use Row Count Transformation to Log Record Count in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How To Redirect or Remove Duplicate Records in Data Flow Task by using Aggregate Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to remove or redirect duplicate records in data flow task by using Aggregate Transformation with Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package.

This video also covers

  1. How to create an SSIS Package
  2. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Aggregate Transformation Transformation to remove duplicate records in SSIS Package
  4. How to use Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package to redirect Duplicate records
  5. How to read flat file in SSIS Package
  6. How to Load Data in SQL Server Table by using OLE DB Destination Transformation in SSIS Package

How to Load Unique Records From Flat File by using SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to load unique records from flat file by using aggregate transformation in SSIS Package.

The video covers following items

  1. How to create an SSIS Package from Scratch
  2. How to read the data from Flat file by using Flat file source in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Aggregate Transformation in SSIS Package to remove duplicate records
  4. How to use Aggregate Transformation in SSIS Package
  5. How to load data into SQL Server Table by using OLE DB Destination
  6. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Package to read text file and load to SQL Server Table

How to Load Unique Records From Flat File by using SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

  Related Posts / Videos on Aggregate Transformation 

How to use Conditional Split to Load Data To Multiple Tables in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to divide the the records depending upon the data points and load them to related tables.

The video also covers

  1. How to create an SSIS Package
  2. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Task
  3. SSIS Package explains how to read the data from flat file source 
  4. How to use Conditional split to generate multiple outputs in SSIS Package
  5. How to write expressions in Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package
  6. How to load data to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package

What is Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn the answer of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Question
"What is conditional Split Transformation in SSIS?"

The video also shows a quick demo how to use Conditional Split transformation in SSIS for real time scenarios.

Conditional Split transformation in SSIS Package can be used to generate multiple outputs from single output depending upon the values of data points.

How to Filter Null Records in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn the answer of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS ) Question " How would you filter Null value rows in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package"

The video can be used as quick demo or learning

  1. How to use Conditional Split transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to use ISNULL Function in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Multicast Transformation for testing purpose and add data viewer to display data while debugging SSIS Package

How To Redirect or Remove Duplicate Records in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to remove or redirect duplicate records in data flow task by using Aggregate Transformation with Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package.

This video also covers

  1. How to create an SSIS Package
  2. How to use Data Flow Task in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Aggregate Transformation Transformation to remove duplicate records in SSIS Package
  4. How to use Conditional Split Transformation in SSIS Package to redirect Duplicate records
  5. How to read flat file in SSIS Package
  6. How to Load Data in SQL Server Table by using OLE DB Destination Transformation in SSIS Package

How To Redirect or Remove Duplicate Records in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

How to Filter Rows with Blank values in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS), you will learn how to filter blank rows in data flow task by using conditional split transformation. 

The video also introduce you to write expressions in Conditional split transformation, How to use Trim functions such as LTRIM and RTRIM to remove blank spaces from data points in Conditional Split transformation.

The video can be used for beginners to learn about different SSIS Transformations and Tasks such as Data Flow Task, Flat File Source, Conditional Split transformation and Multicast Transformation. The use of Multicast Transformation in this demo is only for Test purpose.

SSIS Tutorial - How to Filter Rows with Null Values in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to convert blank values into Null values in Flat file source in SSIS Package. The second part of the video explain how to filter the rows with Null values by using Conditional Split Transformation. The video also explains how to use Data Viewer in Data Flow during debugging your SQL Server Integration Services Package. The scenario covered in this video is real time and we often have the requirement to ignore/filter rows with null or blank values. Video also introduce you to different SSIS Functions available and specially how to use ISNULL In SSIS Package.

SSIS Tutorial - Percentage Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn

  1. What is Percentage Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to use Percentage Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package
  3. How to take sample of input records in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package
  4. What are blocking Transformations in SSIS Package

Percentage Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package -  SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

  Related Posts / Videos on Sampling Transformations 

SSIS Tutorial - Row Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS)  tutorial , You will learn

  1. What is Row Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to configure Row Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Row Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package

Row Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

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SSIS Tutorial - How to Delete Top N Rows from Flat File in SSIS Package

SSIS Tutorial - How to use Row Count Transformation in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn How to use Row Count Transformation in SSIS Package.

It is very common scenario when we need to know how many records are loaded from Source to destination.

How to use Row Count Transformation in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial

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