TechBrothersIT is the blog spot and a video (Youtube) Channel to learn and share Information, scenarios, real time examples about SQL Server, Transact-SQL (TSQL), SQL Server Database Administration (SQL DBA), Business Intelligence (BI), SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), Data Warehouse (DWH) Concepts, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services and all other different Microsoft Technologies.
You are working as SQL Server developer, you need to create two tables with Primary -Foreign Key Relationship. You want to create Foreign Key Constraint with setting if record will be deleted from Referenced Table (Primary Key Column Table), it should not be deleted from Parent Table ( Foreign Key Constraint Table) instead the value should be updated to Null.
We can use ON DELETE SET NULL with Foreign Key Constraint definition to implement above requirement.
How to create Foreign Key Constraint with ON DELETE SET NULL in SQL Server
Let's delete the row from Referenced Table( Primary Key Column Table) and check if records still exists in Parent Table ( Foreign Key Constraint Table) and column value is updated to Null.
--Delete the Record from Referenced Table(PK Column Table)Deletefrom dbo.Customer
where CustomerId=1
How to use ON DELETE SET NULL option with Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server
As we can see that the record is deleted from Referenced Table( Primary Key Column Table) but still present in Parent Table ( Foreign Key Constraint Table) but value is updated to Null as expected.
Video Demo : How to Create Foreign Key Constraint with ON DELETE SET NULL Option in SQL Server
You are working as SQL Server developer, you need to create two tables with Primary -Foreign Key Relationship. You want to create Foreign Key Constraint with setting if record will be deleted from Referenced Table (Primary Key Column Table), it should be deleted from Parent Table ( Foreign Key Constraint Table) as well.
SQL Server let us use the the setting with Foreign Key Constraint called On DELETE CASCADE. If this rule is implemented, whenever record is deleted from Referenced Table( Primary Key Column Table), it will also be deleted from Parent Table ( Foreign Key Constraint Table).
In previous posts, we learn that if we have Foreign key Constraint with default setting and we try to update the value in column in Reference Table which is used as Reference Column in Foreign Key Constraint, we get error. We discussed multiple ways to handle the situation, please check this link.
Foreign Key Constraint does provide the option to set the Cascading action, we can create Foreign Key Constraint with Cascading Update.
If Update Cascading settings is used, when we update the value in Referenced Table , it will also update the value in parent table (Foreign Key Table) column.
Let's test this scenario. Create two tables dbo.Customer and dbo.Orders with Foreign Key Relationship by given script
You are working as SQL Server developer, You need to prepare scripts to enable all the Foreign Key Constraint in a database which are disabled. This could happen, maybe somebody has disabled Foreign Key Constraints for a data load where they don't care about violation of referential integrity and forgot to enable them later.
First of all let's get the list of Foreign Key Constraints with status by using below query
--Get List of Foreign Key Constraints if Enabled or DisabledUSE YourDatabaseName
Schema_name(Schema_id) as SchemaName,
object_name(Parent_object_id) as TableName,
name as ForeignKeyConstraintName,
CaseWhen Is_disabled=1 Then'No'ELSE'Yes'Endas IsEnabled
from sys.foreign_keys
How to check if Foreign Key Constraint is Disabled or Enabled in SQL Server Database
Now let's generate scripts to enable the Foreign Key Constraints which are disabled in SQL Server Database by using below query.
USE YourdatabaseName
go-- Enable Foreign Key Constraints Script SELECTdistinct'ALTER TABLE '
+ '['+ Schema_name(FK.schema_id)
+ '].['+ OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id)
+ '[' + + ']'AS EnableConstraintQuery
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
where is_disabled=1
How to generate script to enable all Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server Database
Copy the results and run in SSMS to enable disabled Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server Database.
Video Demo : How to generate script to enable all Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server
You are working as SQL Server developer, You need to provide the scripts to disable all the Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server database. This might be scenario where you need to load one time data and you are ok if data violate referential integrity.
Let's get the list of Foreign Key Constraints from a SQL Server Database before we generate the disable script.
--Get List of Foreign Key Constraints if Enabled or DisabledUSE YourDatabaseName
Schema_name(Schema_id) as SchemaName,
object_name(Parent_object_id) as TableName,
name as ForeignKeyConstraintName,
CaseWhen Is_disabled=1 Then'No'ELSE'Yes'Endas IsEnabled
from sys.foreign_keys
How to Check if Foreign Key Constraint is Enabled or Disabled in SQL Server
Now let's generate script to Disable Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server Database
USE YourdatabaseName
go-- Drop Foreign Key Constraints Script SELECTdistinct'ALTER TABLE '
+ '['+ Schema_name(FK.schema_id)
+ '].['+ OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id)
+ '[' + + ']'AS DisableConstraintQuery
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
where is_disabled=0
How to generate Script to Disable All Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server Database
Video Demo : How to disable all Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server Database
You are working as SQL Server developer, You wrote an update statement for one of the table and getting below error.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 32 The UPDATE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_". The conflict occurred in database "YourDatabaseName", table "SchemaName.YourTableName", column 'ColumnName'. The statement has been terminated.
How to resolve this issue?
Let's create this error first by using below script. We are going to create two tables dbo.Customer and dbo.Orders. The tables has Primary-Foreign Key Relationship.
How to update record when Column is referenced by Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server
Now let's say if you feel that CustomerId value is incorrect in dbo.Customer and need to be updated. You wrote below update statement to update CustomerId to 100.
update dbo.Customer
set Customerid=100
You will get below error.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 33
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK__Orders__Customer__1ED998B2".
The conflict occurred in database "YourDatabaseName", table "dbo.Orders", column 'Customer_id'.
The statement has been terminated.
As there is no Customer_id value=100 in dbo.Orders table, You can't update the record in reference table. Now you thought that let's fix the Parent table first ( dbo.Orders) and then I can update the dbo.Customer table.
update dbo.Orders
set Customer_Id=100
Again you got the error as shown below, because we don't have CustomerId=100 available in dbo.Customer table.
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 36
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Orders__Customer__1ED998B2".
The conflict occurred in database "YourDatabaseName", table "dbo.Customer", column 'Customerid'.
The statement has been terminated.
From here we can come with with multiple solutions
1) Instead of updating the record, Insert the record in Reference Table ( Dbo.Customer), Then update the record in Parent table (Dbo.Orders) and finally delete the existing records from Reference Table.
--Insert Record in Reference Table Firstinsertinto dbo.Customer
(CustomerId,FName, LName,SSN)
--Update the Records in Parent Table update dbo.Orders
set Customer_Id=100
--Delete the old record from Reference TableDeletefrom dbo.Customer
where CustomerId=1
Check the records in table now.
How to update Column Value when referenced by Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server
2) Disable the Foreign Key Constraint and Update the Values Manually
Another solution can be, disable the Foreign Key constraint, update the records and finally enable the Foreign key again.
--Find the Foreign Key Constraint with Table NameUSE YourDatabaseName
Schema_name(Schema_id) as SchemaName,
object_name(Parent_object_id) as TableName,
name as ForeignKeyConstraintName
from sys.foreign_keys
Disable the Foreign Key Constraint by using below statement
ALTER TABLE SchemaName.ParentTableName
I used below statement to disable Foreign Key constraint on dbo.Orders table.
--Disable Foregin Key by using NOCHECKALTERTABLE dbo.Orders
--Run Update Statementsupdate dbo.Customer
set Customerid=100
update dbo.Orders
set Customer_Id=100
Enable Foreign Key Constraint Syntax
ALTER TABLE SchemaName.ParentTableName
I execute below script to Enable Foreign Key Constraint on dbo.Orders table.
--Enable Foreign Key Constraint by using CHECKALTERTABLE dbo.Orders
CHECKCONSTRAINT FK__Orders__Customer__2A4B4B5E
Video Demo : The UPDATE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE Constraint
Once the tables are created and Foreign Key Constraint as well, you can use below statement to find the Foreign Key Constraint Name with table name.
USE YourDatabaseName
Schema_name(Schema_id) as SchemaName,
object_name(Parent_object_id) as TableName,
name as ForeignKeyConstraintName
from sys.foreign_keys
Find Foreign Key Constraint Name in SQL Server with Table Name
Now we know the constraint name, we can go ahead and write our drop constraint statement.
Syntax for Drop Foreign Key Constraint on Table
Alter Table SchemaName.TableName
Drop Constraint Constraint_Name
I used below statement to drop FK__Orders__Customer__164452B1 Foreign Key Constraint.
You are working as SQL Server DBA or Developer, You need to drop a table from a database. When you execute drop table SchemaName.TableName statement, you get below error.
Msg 3726, Level 16, State 1, Line 12 Could not drop object 'SchemaName.TableName' because it is referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
Now we know that the table is referenced by Foreign Key Constraint. The problem is how to find which table has that Foreign Key Constraint that is referencing to this table.
1) There are many ways to get this information. We can use system views to find the name of table which has the Foreign Key Constraint which is referencing our Primary Table.
SELECT Schema_Name(Schema_id) as TableSchemaName,
object_name(FK.parent_object_id) ParentTableName,
object_name(FK.referenced_object_id) ReferenceTableName
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
WHERE object_name(FK.referenced_object_id)='YourTableName'and Schema_Name(Schema_id)='YourTableSchemaName'
I executed above script for my customer table which is present in dbo schema and here is what I got.
How to find which table's Foreign Key is referencing to Table in SQL Server.
Now we know that Ord is the table which has the Foreign Key Constraint which is referencing our table. We can go ahead and drop the foreign key Constraint and then drop our table.
2) Use System Stored Procedure sp_fkeys
We can use system Stored Procedure to get the Foreign Key Constraints information which are referencing to our table. If my table name is Customer, I can run script as below
EXEC sp_fkeys 'Customer'
How to get Foreign Key Constraint name for a Table in SQL Server
The sp_fkeys returns very detailed information, few of the columns are not shown in snapshot above. here is the list of columns it will return.
Video Demo : Could not drop object because it is referenced by a Foreign Key Constraint
You need to truncate all the tables in SQL Server database, when when you run truncate statement, you get error below error. Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 43 Cannot truncate table 'SchemaName.TableName' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
The easy way would be drop the Foreign Key Constraints, truncate the tables and recreate the Foreign Key Constraint again.
I wrote a post that you can use to generate Drop Foreign Key Constraints in a database. Click here.
But before we drop them, we need to generate the create Foreign key Constraints scripts so we can run after truncating the table.
You can use below script to generate truncate table statement for all the user tables from a database.
Select'Truncate table '+'['
+'].['+name+']'as TruncateTablesScript
from sys.tables
where is_ms_shipped=0
The below script can be used to re-generate Foreign Key Constraint in a database.
;With CTE_FK AS (
SELECT Schema_Name(Schema_id) as TableSchemaName,
object_name(FK.parent_object_id) ParentTableName,
object_name(FK.referenced_object_id) ReferenceTableName, AS ForeignKeyConstraintName, as RefColumnName, as ParentColumnList
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
INNERJOIN sys.foreign_key_columns AS FKC
ON FK.OBJECT_ID = FKC.constraint_object_id
INNERJOIN sys.columns c
on c.OBJECT_ID = FKC.referenced_object_id
AND c.column_id = FKC.referenced_column_id
INNERJOIN sys.columns cf
on cf.OBJECT_ID = FKC.parent_object_id
AND cf.column_id = FKC.parent_column_id
where fk.is_ms_shipped=0
Select'Alter table ['+TableSchemaName+'].['+ParentTableName+']'
+' Add Constraint '+ForeignKeyConstraintName+
' Foreign Key('+stuff((
from CTE_FK i
where i.ForeignKeyConstraintName=o.ForeignKeyConstraintName
and i.TableSchemaName=o.TableSchemaName
and i.ParentTableName=o.ParentTableName
and i.ReferenceTableName=o.ReferenceTableName
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')+') References '+
from CTE_FK i
where i.ForeignKeyConstraintName=o.ForeignKeyConstraintName
and i.TableSchemaName=o.TableSchemaName
and i.ParentTableName=o.ParentTableName
and i.ReferenceTableName=o.ReferenceTableName
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')+')'AS CreateForeignKeyConstraintScript,
from CTE_FK o
How to generate script to re-create Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server Database
Take the results from CreateForeignKeyConstraintScript Column. I suggest you to run the scripts in DEV or QA first to make sure all working fine before you run in Production.
Video Demo : How to create generate scripts to recreate foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server
You are working as SQL Server developer, you are asked to provide the scripts those can be used to drop Foreign Key Constraints on all the tables in a database if exists.
We can use system view to generate the drop Foreign Key Constraints for all the tables in SQL Server Database by using below query.
USE YourdatabaseName
go-- Drop Foreign Key Constraints Script SELECTdistinct'ALTER TABLE '
+ '['+ Schema_name(FK.schema_id)
+ '].['+ OBJECT_NAME(FK.parent_object_id)
+ '[' + + ']'AS DropConstraintQuery
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
How to drop all the Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server Database
Execute above query and then take the results and run in SSMS to drop all the Foreign Key Constraint in database.
Video Demo : How to generate drop Foreign Key Constraint scripts for entire database in SQL Server
You are working as SQL Server Developer, you are asked to provide the query that should return all the parent tables, reference tables, Foreign Key Constraints and Columns used in Foreign Key Constraint definition.
We can use the system views to gather this information. In our below query we will be using three system views sys.foreign_keys sys.foreign_key_columns sys.columns
to answer the request. As we can have composite primary key columns used in Foreign Key Constraint, I have used FOR XML Path to concatenate rows into column so can provide list of columns in single row.
;With CTE_FK AS (
SELECT Schema_Name(Schema_id) as TableSchemaName,
object_name(FK.parent_object_id) ParentTableName,
object_name(FK.referenced_object_id) ReferenceTableName, AS ForeignKeyConstraintName, as ReferencedColumnList, as ParentColumnName
FROM sys.foreign_keys AS FK
INNERJOIN sys.foreign_key_columns AS FKC
ON FK.OBJECT_ID = FKC.constraint_object_id
INNERJOIN sys.columns c
on c.OBJECT_ID = FKC.referenced_object_id
AND c.column_id = FKC.referenced_column_id
INNERJOIN sys.columns cf
on cf.OBJECT_ID = FKC.parent_object_id
AND cf.column_id = FKC.parent_column_id
Select TableSchemaName,
from CTE_FK i
where i.ForeignKeyConstraintName=o.ForeignKeyConstraintName
and i.TableSchemaName=o.TableSchemaName
and i.ParentTableName=o.ParentTableName
and i.ReferenceTableName=o.ReferenceTableName
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') ParentColumnList
from CTE_FK i
where i.ForeignKeyConstraintName=o.ForeignKeyConstraintName
and i.TableSchemaName=o.TableSchemaName
and i.ParentTableName=o.ParentTableName
and i.ReferenceTableName=o.ReferenceTableName
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '') RefColumnList
from CTE_FK o
I executed above script on one of my database and here is output with Schema Name,Parent Table Name, Referenced Table Name, Foreign Key Constraint Name, Parent Column List and Reference Column List used in Constraint.
How to get Parent Table, Referenced Table,Foreign Key Constraint Name, Columns list in SQL Server
Video Demo : How to get Primary Key Table,Foreign Key Table and Constraint Name in SQL Server
You need to truncate a table but when you try to execute truncate table tableName. You get below error.
Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 43 Cannot truncate table 'SchemaName.TableName' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
How would you truncate this table?
As the table in involved in Foreign Key relationship, you need to drop the foreign key constraint first and then execute the truncate table statement.
Let's demo this example, I am going to create two table dbo.Customer and dbo.Orders and then create Foreign Key Constraint on one of the column of Dbo.Orders to dbo.Customer table.
Now if I try to truncate dbo.Orders table, it will throw no error. But when I try to truncate dbo.Customer table it will throw error as dbo.Customer is begin references by Foreign Key Constraint.
How to truncate a table which is reference by Foreign Key Constraint in SQL Server
We can drop the constraint for now, truncate the table and then recreate Foreign key constraint.
To find the Foreign Key Constraints on a table, you can use below statement.
FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('dbo.Customer')
How to get Constraint name from system tables in SQL Server
The below script can be used to generate drop Constraint statement for your table
+ OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(parent_object_id)
+'.[' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_object_id)
+ name as DropFKConstraint
FROM sys.foreign_keys
WHERE referenced_object_id = object_id('dbo.Customer')
How to drop Foreign Key Constraint on Table in SQL Server
Take the result for Drop Foreign Key Constraint and execute, After that run your truncate table statement to truncate table. It should complete without any error.
Video Demo : Cannot truncate table because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint