C# - How to create SQL Server Table dynamically from Flat file and Load data to Table in C Sharp

Scenario : Download Script

You are working as C# developer, You received flat files or text files or csv files in one of the source folder. You need to write C# program that should read the file columns and create table and load the data from file. Once data is loading move the file to archive folder.
The table will be created with name of file. If already exists, we would like to drop the table and created.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace TechBrothersIT.com_CSharp_Tutorial
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            string datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string LogFolder = @"C:\Log\";

                //Declare Variables and provide values
                string SourceFolderPath = @"C:\Source\";
                string FileExtension = ".txt";
                string FileDelimiter = ",";
                string ArchiveFolder = @"C:\Archive\";
                string ColumnsDataType = "NVARCHAR(4000)";
                string SchemaName = "dbo";

                //Get files from folder
                string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(SourceFolderPath, "*" + FileExtension);
                foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)

                    //Create Connection to SQL Server in which you would like to create tables and load data
                    SqlConnection SQLConnection = new SqlConnection();
                    SQLConnection.ConnectionString = "Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog =TechBrothersIT; "
                       + "Integrated Security=true;";

                    //Writing Data of File Into Table
                    string TableName = "";
                    int counter = 0;
                    string line;
                    string ColumnList = "";

                    System.IO.StreamReader SourceFile =
                    new System.IO.StreamReader(fileName);

                    while ((line = SourceFile.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (counter == 0)

                        //Read the header and prepare Create Table Statement
                            ColumnList = "[" + line.Replace(FileDelimiter, "],[") + "]";
                            TableName = (((fileName.Replace(SourceFolderPath, "")).Replace(FileExtension, "")).Replace("\\", ""));
                            string CreateTableStatement = "IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[" + SchemaName + "].";
                            CreateTableStatement += "[" + TableName + "]')";
                            CreateTableStatement += " AND type in (N'U'))DROP TABLE [" + SchemaName + "].";
                            CreateTableStatement += "[" + TableName + "]  Create Table " + SchemaName + ".[" + TableName + "]";
                            CreateTableStatement += "([" + line.Replace(FileDelimiter, "] " + ColumnsDataType + ",[") + "] " + ColumnsDataType + ")";
                            SqlCommand CreateTableCmd = new SqlCommand(CreateTableStatement, SQLConnection);


                            //Prepare Insert Statement and execute to insert data
                            string query = "Insert into " + SchemaName + ".[" + TableName + "] (" + ColumnList + ") ";
                            query += "VALUES('" + line.Replace(FileDelimiter, "','") + "')";

                            SqlCommand SQLCmd = new SqlCommand(query, SQLConnection);


                    //move the file to archive folder after adding datetime to it
                    File.Move(fileName, ArchiveFolder + "\\" + (fileName.Replace(SourceFolderPath, "")).Replace(FileExtension, "") + "_" + datetime + FileExtension);
            catch (Exception exception)
                // Create Log File for Errors
                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(LogFolder
                    + "\\" + "ErrorLog_" + datetime + ".log"))



I executed the script and it created the tables for all the flat files and loaded the data. Files were moved successfully to archive folder after loading to SQL Server table.


  1. If there is a comma part fothe text data it is failing.

  2. Thanks so much for this. Saved a bunch of time. The only change I had to make to handle single quotes in the column values list:

    query += "VALUES('" + line.Replace("'", "''").Replace(FileDelimiter, "','") + "')";
