SSIS Tutorial 27-Extract file Names from Folders and save in SQL Server Table by using SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to extract the file names from folder and sub folders and insert that into a SQL Server Table by using SSIS Package.

In this video we will also learn

  1. How to create an SSIS Package
  2. How to use Foreach Loop Containers to read the files from folders in SSIS Package
  3. How to use Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package
  4. How to pass parameter to Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package


  1. Hi team,
    I exactly applied the same Procedure with my package but it is showing error msg to me like:-
    [Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "insert into dbo.FileInformation(FileName) values
    (..." failed with the following error: "Invalid object name 'dbo.FileInformation'.". Possible failure
    reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly,
    or connection not established correctly.


  2. It does not help us to learn and practice what you are doing if you are not sharing the source files. Creating these on our own is time consuming and it many cases causes us issues to copy what you are doing and follow along
