Sometime we get the data in one column with some kind of delimiter (such as comma, pipe, space etc.) and also this string contains some special characters such as (.,./,$,#,@ etc.).
The current problem is related to the string that has space separator and some special characters. Our goal is to split this string into First Name, Middle Name and Last Name by using space as separator.
Step 1:
Let's create test table with some sample data
CREATE TABLE dbo.colsplit ( fullname VARCHAR(300) ) go INSERT INTO dbo.colsplit VALUES ( 'CHARLES. ROSAMILIA.') go INSERT INTO dbo.colsplit VALUES ( 'CHARLES. .cc ROSAMILIA. @') go INSERT INTO dbo.colsplit VALUES ( 'CHARLES. HANS. ROSAMILIA /') go INSERT INTO dbo.colsplit VALUES ( 'CHARLES ROSAMILIA') go SELECT * FROM dbo.colsplit
How to Remove Special Characters from string and convert single value to multiple values in TSQL |
Step 2:
Let's create the function that we can use to remove special characters from the string in SQL Server.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[RemoveSpecialCharacters] ( @InputString NVARCHAR(max) ) returns VARCHAR(max) BEGIN DECLARE @OutputString NVARCHAR(max ) IF (Isnull(@InputString,'')='') SET @OutputString = @InputString ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @Length INT DECLARE @Counter INT DECLARE @CharCode INT SET @OutputString = '' SET @Length = Len(@InputString) SET @Counter = 1 WHILE @Counter <= @Length BEGIN SET @CharCode = Ascii(Substring(@InputString, @Counter, 1)) IF @CharCode=32 OR @CharCode BETWEEN 48 AND 57 OR @CharCode BETWEEN 65 AND 90 OR @CharCode BETWEEN 97 AND 122 SET @OutputString = @OutputString + Char(@CharCode) SET @Counter = @Counter + 1 END END RETURN @OutputStringEND
Step 3:
Let's write out final query, we will use
RemoveSpecialCharacters function to remove special characters.
ParseName builtin function to split the Full Name depending upon ''( space).
Wrote Case Statement to adjust middle name to last name where there is no last name.
;WITH cte AS (SELECT Reverse(Parsename(Replace(Reverse( dbo.[Removespecialcharacters](fullname)), ' ', '.'), 1 )) AS [FirstName], Reverse(Parsename(Replace(Reverse( dbo.[Removespecialcharacters](fullname)), ' ', '.'), 2 )) AS [MiddleName], Reverse(Parsename(Replace(Reverse( dbo.[Removespecialcharacters](fullname)), ' ', '.'), 3 )) AS [LastName] FROM dbo.colsplit) SELECT firstname, CASE WHEN lastname IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE middlename END AS MiddleName, CASE WHEN lastname IS NULL AND middlename IS NOT NULL THEN middlename ELSE lastname END AS LastName FROM cte
The above query can be changed according to the requirement. We can also write a user function to split string into multiple columns. Here we were required to split First Name,Middle Name and Last Name and that can be handled with built in function (ParseName).
How to Split single Column into Multiple Columns in TSQL - SQL Server Tutorial |
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