Scenario: How to check if the database user is enabled or disabled in multiple or all the databases in SQL Server
You have created a login and then user in multiple databases by using that login. You need to take a look if the user is enable or disable in those databases.
If the user is disabled in a database you will see a red arrow pointing downwards. I have disabled Aamir user as can be seen below by using
If you want to enable the user, you can use below statement
But our goal is find out in all databases or in multiple database if the user is enabled or disabled. Also if the query does not return the Database name, that means the user does not exits in that database.
--Provide the user name that you would like to check if Enabled or Disabled in Databases DECLARE @UserName VARCHAR(128) SET @UserName='Aamir' -- I have provided Aamir as my User Name IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##Temp_Table') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##Temp_Table CREATE TABLE ##Temp_Table ( ServerName VARCHAR(1000), DatabaseName VARCHAR(500) ,UserName VARCHAR(500) ,IsEnabled INT ) DECLARE @SQLStatement VARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQLStatement='Insert into ##Temp_Table Select @@ServerName AS ServerName,DB_Name() AS DatabaseName,name, hasdbaccess FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name='''''+@UserName+'''''' Print @SQLStatement DECLARE @DatabaseName AS VARCHAR(500) --DECLARE CURSOR DECLARE CUR CURSOR FOR --Choose the DBs on which you would like to run the script SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 --OPEN CURSOR OPEN CUR --NEXT NEXT RECORD FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @DBName AS NVARCHAR(500); SET @DBName = QUOTENAME(N'' + @DatabaseName + ''); --USE Dynamic SQL To Change DB name and run Check If user Enabled or Disabled in Database EXEC ( N'USE ' + @DBName + N'; EXEC('''+@SQLStatement+''');' ); FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName END CLOSE CUR DEALLOCATE CUR Select * From ##Temp_Table
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