How to Load Multiple JSON Files to SQL Server Table with File Name In SSIS - SSIS Tutorial 2021

Issue : How to Load Multiple JSON Files to SQL Server Table with File Name In SSIS - SSIS Tutorial 2021

In this blog post we are going to learn how to load Multiple JSON file to SQL Server Table with File Names in SSIS. I have generated couple of JSON Files online so we can use them for our demo.
Here is snapshot of one of JSON file we have used in demo.

Fig 1- Load JSON files to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package - Sample JSON File

Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and use the script I have provided below, First of all we have to declare the variable which is "Declare @JSON varchar (max), which I have Shown in this picture.

Declare @JSON varchar(max)
 [ID] INT,
 [first_name] varchar(100),
 [last_name] varchar(100),
 [email] varchar(100),
 [gender] nvarchar(20),
 [ip_address] varchar(10)

Fig 2 - How to Load JSON File in SQL Server by using TSQL

By using OPENROWSET function we have imported the JSON Files in @JSON variable.

Fig 3 - How to use OPENROWSET  to import JSON Files in variable in TSQL

OPENJSON is table value function that can convert JSON data into columns and rows. As you can see below I have use OPENJSON and provided our variable @JSON as input so we can get data in tabular format.

Fig 4- Get tabular data by using OPENJSON Function in TSQL

Next step we have to describe the list of columns those we would like to get from our JSON data. If you do not want to read all column data, you can provide the list of only required columns.

Fig5 - Get desired column from JSON file by using OPENJSON Table function in TSQL

To load our sample JSON files, we need a table in which we can load our JSON file data.

Create table by using below command:

create table dbo.SSISJson (
    [id] int,
    [first_name] varchar(100),
    last_name] varchar(100)
    [email] varchar(100),
    [gender] nvarchar(20)
    [ip_address] varchar(10),
    filename varchar (1000))

Fig 6- Create table by using TSQL for JSON File load

If you want to write the data to some table, you can provide table name. Make sure table has the same columns which your OPENJSON table 

Fig 7 - Insert data into table from JSON files by using TSQL

as you can see in below picture 1000 rows are inserted.

Fig 8- How to Insert JSON Files into SQL Server Table by using TSQL

After all the scripts tested in TSQL to load JSON file to SQL Server Table, we are going to create SSIS Package to load multiple JSON Files to same table that we created above.

Open Visual Studio & Click on Packages + New SSIS Package

Fig 9- Load JSON Files to SQL Server Table by using SSIS Package - Create New SSIS Package

In the new SSIS Package we need Foreach Loop Container to get list of JSON files from Folder

Fig 10 - Get list of JSON Files by using Foreach Loop Container in SSIS Package

In Foreach Loop Container we have to select the type &  Path of our JSON Files

Fig 11 - Choose only JSON files from folder by using Foreach Loop Container

Next Click on Variable Mappings & Input Details

Fig 12 -Save the file name into variable in Foreach Loop Container in SSIS Package

Bring Execute SQL Task and configure OLEDB Connection.

Fig 13- Use Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package to Load JSON files in SQL Server Table

You will be choosing your Server Name and authentication method to connect to your SQL Server.

Choose Server Name and Database Name for connection Manager.

Step 5: Test Connection Succeeded.

Next Click on Expressions Click on the Property & select SQL Statement source then Click on Expression & Copy Paste The Below Given Command in Expression and add the file Path Which is created earlier.
"Declare @JSON varchar(max)
insert into dbo.SSISJson
SELECT * FROM '"++"' as filename FROM OPENJSON @JSON
 [ID] INT,
 [first_name] varchar(100),
 [last_name] varchar(100),
 [email] varchar(100),
 [gender] varchar(20),
 [ip_address] varchar(10)

Once the expressions are evaluated correctly. We are all set to test our SSIS Package. Truncate your SQL Server Table and then execute SSIS Package to load multiple JSON files  

Fig 14 - Load multiple JSON files to SQL Server table by using Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package

Go to SSMS and then execute Select query for table to confirm if data is loaded successfully.

 Fig 16- Load More than one JSON File to SQL Server table by using SSIS Package

If you still need any help and have missed any steps in creating SSIS Package, feel free to check video demo that have step by step approach how to load multiple JSON files to SQL Server table.

Video Demo: How to Load Multiple Json Files to SQL Server Table with File Name In SSIS


  1. Hi,
    Not sure if this is still being monitored but I am trying to get this solution implemented, Ive set up the SSIS project and SQL task.

    When I run the ForEach Loop container, I get

    "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

    Connection is fine, and when I run the query in SQL mgt studio on a single file it works fine. I've also tried to specify the columns in the insert statement but no luck. Here's my expression...

    Declare @JSON varchar(max)

    SELECT @JSON=BulkColumn


    insert into dbo.devices(




    [Server] nvarchar(50),

    [Local Group] nvarchar(50),

    [Name] nvarchar(50),

    [Type] nvarchar(50),

    [Domain] nvarchar(50),

    [SID] nvarchar(50)


    1. I figured this out. Im not using the filename in my DB, yet I had it in the second SELECT statement. removed it and everything works :)
