You are working as SQL Server DBA or Developer, You need to prepare script that should be able to Disable Change Data Capture (CDC) on all the tables in a database Or if you would like to disable on some specific table , it should be able to handle that.
The below script can be used to Disable Change Data Capture on all the tables in a database and if you would like to provide the list of tables, you have the option too. By simply changing select query, you can include or exclude list of tables on which you would like to disable CDC.
Disable CDC on Set of Tables
--Provide List of Tables here on which CDC needs to be disabled. SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'T' AS TableName UNION ALL SELECT 'T2' AS TableName --IF want to Disable CDC on All Table, then use --SELECT Name --FROM sys.objects --WHERE type = 'u' -- AND is_ms_shipped <> 1 ) CDC OPEN CDC_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM CDC_Cursor INTO @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @CDC_Status TINYINT SET @CDC_Status=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cdc.change_tables WHERE Source_object_id = OBJECT_ID(@TableName)) --IF CDC is Already Disabled on Table , Print Message IF @CDC_Status = 0 PRINT 'CDC is already Disabled on ' + @TableName + ' Table' --IF CDC is not Disabled on Table, Disable CDC and Print Message IF @CDC_Status = 1 BEGIN SET @SQL='EXEC sys.sp_cdc_disable_table @source_schema = ''dbo'', @source_name = ''' + @TableName + ''', @capture_instance = N''All'';' EXEC sp_executesql @SQL PRINT 'CDC disabled on ' + @TableName + ' Table successfully' END FETCH NEXT FROM CDC_Cursor INTO @TableName END CLOSE CDC_Cursor DEALLOCATE CDC_Cursor
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