Scenario:How to Create Same Stored Procedure on All Databases or multiple Databases in SQL Server
We often face this situation where we need to create a same Stored Procedure in multiple databases. This script can be really usefully when you are working as SQL Server DBA and you have to deploy same Stored Procedure to all databases or multiple databases Or you are working as developer and your team asked you to prepare script which will create the Stored Procedure in all databases in SQL Server.
I used cursor in below script to loop through the databases. You can always change your Where clause to get the list of databases on which you would like to create Stored Procedure.
It is always great idea to test your script in DEV, QA and UAT environment before deploying/ running on Production environment.
--Provide the DDL Statment that you would like to run for Create Stored Procedure in Each Databsae in SQL Server -- Notice that if you have string in your SP, then you have to have 4 single quote around it. DECLARE @DDL VARCHAR(MAX) SET @DDL= 'Create Procedure dbo.SP_Test AS BEGIN --My all statements in SP Select 1 Print ''''Test'''' END' DECLARE @DatabaseName AS VARCHAR(500) --DECLARE CURSOR DECLARE CUR CURSOR FOR --Choose the DBs on which you would like to run the script SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 --OPEN CURSOR OPEN CUR --NEXT NEXT RECORD FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @DBName AS NVARCHAR(128); SET @DBName = QUOTENAME(N'' + @DatabaseName + ''); --USE Dynamic SQL To Change DB name and run DDL statement to create Stored Procedure EXEC ( N'USE ' + @DBName + N'; EXEC('''+@DDL+''');' ); FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName END CLOSE CUR DEALLOCATE CUR
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