Scenario: How to drop View from multiple or all SQL Server Databases
You are working as SQL Server DBA or SQL Server developer, you need to come up with scripts to drop the view from many databases in one of your SQL Server Instance.
Here is the script that can help to drop the view from multiple databases. I have used the cursor to loop through the databases. You can always modify your select query to choose required databases on which you would like to run the script. You have to change the schema name and view name and in drop view statement, the name of view.
--Provide the DDL Statment that you would like to run to drop the View if exists in Database --Change the schema and View name in script as per your requirement DECLARE @DDL VARCHAR(MAX) SET @DDL='IF (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ''''dbo'''' -- change to your Schema AND TABLE_NAME = ''''MyTestView'''' --Change to your View Name and Table_Type=''''View'''')) BEGIN Drop view dbo.MyTestview END' DECLARE @DatabaseName AS VARCHAR(500) --DECLARE CURSOR DECLARE CUR CURSOR FOR --Choose the DBs on which you would like to run the script SELECT NAME FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id > 4 --OPEN CURSOR OPEN CUR --NEXT NEXT RECORD FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @DBName AS NVARCHAR(500); SET @DBName = QUOTENAME(N'' + @DatabaseName + ''); --USE Dynamic SQL To Change DB name and run DDL statement to drop View EXEC ( N'USE ' + @DBName + N'; EXEC('''+@DDL+''');' ); FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DatabaseName END CLOSE CUR DEALLOCATE CUR
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