I am taking backup of many databases in MySQL or MairaDB and I would like to monitor the progress of backups.
Either MySQL or MariaDB does not provide direct way to monitor the progress of backup. You can use PV("Pipe Viewer") to monitor the progress of backups. PV("Pipe Viewer") is a tool for monitoring the progress of data through the pipeline. It can be used to visualize how quickly data is passing through and progress.
First of all we need to install the PV. I am using Centos. If I try to install PV on Centos, I will get below error.
# sudo yum install pv
Including mirror:
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
No package pv available.
Error: Nothing to do
If you are running Centos on your Server, first of all you will be installing EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) Repository. Below below commands to intall EPEL Repository.
# wget
# rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
Once the EPEL repository installed, you can check by using below command
# yum repolist
Now you are ready to install the pv, use below command to run the pv
# sudo yum install pv
Backup with Progress Bar:
Once the pv is installed, you will be using mysqldump with pv. In PV you have to provide estimated size of file. You can get estimated size of backups by checking the size of database. The backup file is most like smaller than actual database size.
SELECT table_schema AS "DBName", ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "DB Size in(MB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;
Use below command to take backup with progress
# mysqldump | pv --progress --size 50m > backupfile.sql
Let's say If I am taking the backup of all the databases in single file, I can use below mysqldump command with pv to monitor the progress of my backup. I am expecting the size of backup file around 325 MB.
# sudo mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases | pv --progress --size 325M >/mysqlbackup/alldbs.sql
SSIS does not seem to work with MySQL/MariaDB, at least not with the information available on the page/URL you shared...
ReplyDeleteSSIS does not seem to work with MySQL/MariaDB, at least not with the information available on the page/URL you shared...
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