Topic: How to Recover Dropped Table in Kusto.
How to recover dropped table in Kusto Query Language | Kusto Query Language Tutorial (KQL) Kusto Query Language is a powerful tool to explore your data and discover patterns, identify anomalies and outliers, create statistical modeling, and more. The query uses schema entities that are organized in a hierarchy similar to SQL's: databases, tables, and columns. A Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results. The request is stated in plain text, using a data-flow model that is easy to read, author, and automate. Kusto queries are made of one or more query statements.
//How to Recover Dropped Table by using Kusto
//.undo drop table can be used to get the table back. Important points to remember
//1)If a Purge command was executed on this database, the undo drop table command can't be executed to a version earlier
//to the purge execution.
//2)Extent can be recovered only if the hard delete period of the extent container it resides in wasn't reached yet.
//Let's create sampel table TotalSale and insert some data.
.create table TotalSale (
id: int
,SalePersonFName: string
,SalePersonLName : string
,ProductName : string
,ItemsSold : int
,SoldPrice :real
,SoldDate: date
,City : string
,State : string
,Country : string
,Region : string
//Insert data
.ingest inline into table TotalSale <|
11,Tamara,Tony,Cell Phone,2,1200,2015-03-03,Frankfurt,Hesse,Germany,Europe
3,Christy,Ladson,TV,3,1600,2015-04-02,High Point,NC,USA,North America
7,Chirag,Patel,Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia
2,M,Raza,Cell Phone,2,800,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America
4,John,Rivers,Laptop,5,2400,2014-03-09,Jersey City,NJ,USA,North America
1,Aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,700,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America
12,aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,7000,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America
//Let's drop the the TotalSale data
.drop table TotalSale
// get the list the dropped tables
.show database techbrothersdb journal | where Event == "DROP-TABLE" and EntityName == "TotalSale" | project OriginalEntityVersion
// undo drop table
// syntax: .undo drop table TableName [as NewTableName] version=v DB_MajorVersion.DB_MinorVersion
.undo drop table TotalSale as TotalSale version ="v105.1"
// check if table is recovered and have data
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