Topic: How to use Where Clause in Kusto Query Language.
How to use the Where clause in Kusto Query Language | Kusto Query Language Tutorial (KQL) Kusto Query Language is a powerful tool to explore your data and discover patterns, identify anomalies and outliers, create statistical modeling, and more. The query uses schema entities that are organized in a hierarchy similar to SQL's: databases, tables, and columns. A Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results. The request is stated in plain text, using a data-flow model that is easy to read, author, and automate. Kusto queries are made of one or more query statements.
How to use the Where Clause in Kusto
//How to use Where with equal
| where SalePersonFName =="Aamir"
//How to get data with Where Clause By ignoring Case Senstivity
| where SalePersonFName =~"Aamir"
// Where clause with multiple columns
| where ProductName =="TV" and City =="High Point"
| where ProductName =="TV" | where City =="High Point"
//Where Clause with > or < or >= or <=
| where id>10
| where id<10
| where id>=10
| where id<=10
// Where Clause with Like operator
| where SalePersonFName contains "aa"
//Where clause with "%abc"
| where SalePersonFName startswith "Ch"
// Where clause where "abc%"
| where SalePersonFName endswith "ty"
//using Regex , should start with LA and ends with anything
| where ProductName matches regex "^La.*"
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