How to use Union Operator in Kusto Query Language | Kusto Query Language

Topic: How to use Union Operator in Kusto Query Language 

In this article we are going to talk about union operator in Kusto and how it work there are a little changes or there are small differences of  a union operator in Kusto as compared to the SQL where you have uh less or more columnsKusto Query Language is a powerful tool to explore your data and discover patterns, identify anomalies and outliers, create statistical modeling, and more. The query uses schema entities that are organized in a hierarchy similar to SQL's: databases, tables, and columns.

 create tables  
 .create table TotalSaleEurope (  
   id: int   
   ,SalePersonFName: string  
   ,SalePersonLName : string  
   ,ProductName : string  
   ,ItemsSold : int  
   ,SoldPrice :real  
   ,SoldDate: date  
   ,Region : string  
      //Insert data  
       .ingest inline into table TotalSaleEurope <|  
 12,Aamir,Nawaz,Cell Phone,2,1200,2015-03-03,Europe  
 // Using Search operator  
 .create table TotalSaleAsia (  
   id: int   
   ,SalePersonFName: string  
   ,SalePersonLName : string  
   ,ProductName : string  
   ,ItemsSold : int  
   ,SoldPrice :real  
   ,SoldDate: date  
   ,City : string  
   ,State : string  
   ,Country : string  
   ,Region : string  
      //Insert data  
       .ingest inline into table TotalSaleAsia <|  
 11,Tamara,Tony,Cell Phone,2,1200,2015-03-03,Frankfurt,Hesse,Germany,Europe  
 3,Christy,Ladson,TV,3,1600,2015-04-02,High Point,NC,USA,North America  
 7,Chirag,Patel,Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia  
 2,M,Raza,Cell Phone,2,800,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  
 4,John,Rivers,Laptop,5,2400,2014-03-09,Jersey City,NJ,USA,North America  
 1,Aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,700,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  
 12,aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,7000,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  
 14,aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,7000,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,South America  
 17,Chirag,Patel,Charger Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia  
 // Using Search operator  
 .create table TotalSaleAsia (  
   id: int   
   ,SalePersonFName: string  
   ,SalePersonLName : string  
   ,ProductName : string  
   ,ItemsSold : int  
   ,SoldPrice :real  
   ,SoldDate: date  
   ,City : string  
   ,State : string  
   ,Country : string  
   ,Region : string  
      //Insert data  
       .ingest inline into table TotalSaleAsia <|  
 7,Chirag,Patel,Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia  
 17,Chirag,Patel,Charger Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia  
 // Using Search operator  
 .create table TotalSaleEurope (  
   id: int   
   ,SalePersonFName: string  
   ,SalePersonLName : string  
   ,ProductName : string  
   ,ItemsSold : int  
   ,SoldPrice :real  
   ,SoldDate: date  
   ,City : string  
   ,State : string  
   ,Country : string  
   ,Region : string  
      //Insert data  
       .ingest inline into table TotalSaleEurope <|  
 11,Tamara,Tony,Cell Phone,2,1200,2015-03-03,Frankfurt,Hesse,Germany,Europe  
 //Takes two or more tables and returns the rows of all of them.  
 //Union Multiple tables   
 // Table1 | union Table2,Table3,Table4...  
 | union TotalSaleAsia  
 //Using kind=outer -- > outer - (default). The result has all the columns that occur in any of the inputs. Cells that weren't defined by an input row are set to null.  
 union kind=outer withsource="TableName"  
 //Using kind=inner --inner - The result has the subset of columns that are common to all of the input tables.  
 union kind=inner withsource="TableName"  
 //Union Tables with Different Listof Columns  
 | union TotalSaleAsia,Customer  
 //Union Different Result Sets  
 | where Region=="Asia"  
 | union TotalSaleAsia  
 | union TotalSaleEurope   
 //Union Multiple Tables with specified string value  
 union TotalSale* | where * has "aamir"  
 //Add Table Name in output  
 union withsource="SourceTable" TotalSale* | where * has "aamir"  
 //Add a Source Table Name to output query   
 | union withsource="SourceTable" TotalSaleAsia,TotalSaleEurope  
 //Union Multiple Result Sets  
 union withsource="SourceTable"  
 (TotalSale | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName,Region) ,  
 (TotalSaleAsia | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName,SoldPrice),  
 (TotalSaleEurope | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName)   
 // Apply further Filter to your Union results  
 union withsource="SourceTable"  
 (TotalSale | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName) ,  
 (TotalSaleAsia | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName),  
 (TotalSaleEurope | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName) //| where SalePersonFName =="aamir"  
  | count  
 //Get the Table Name instead of union_age0,Union_arg1...  
 let TotalSaleDrv=view() {TotalSale | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName}; // Add a Column that does not include will produce results for only that dataset.  
 let AsiaTotalSaleDrv=view() {TotalSaleAsia | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName,Region};  
 let EuropTotalSaleDrv =view() {TotalSaleEurope | project SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName,Region};  
 union withsource=TableName TotalSaleDrv,AsiaTotalSaleDrv,EuropTotalSaleDrv  
Video Demo: How to use Union Operator in Kusto Query Language


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  9. Understanding the union operator in Kusto Query Language (KQL) is pivotal for comprehensive data retrieval and analysis. Incorporating this operator seamlessly merges datasets, aiding in efficient comparisons and aggregations. Leveraging the union operator optimizes data consolidation, a fundamental aspect in enhancing embroidery digitizing processes. Mastering KQL’s union operator elevates data manipulation proficiency, enabling tailored insights crucial for refining embroidery digitizing workflows, ultimately ensuring precision and quality in design conversions.

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