In this video we will learn how to use Common Table Expressions in OLE DB Command Transformation with Parameters in Data Flow task inside SSIS Package.
We will learn following items in this video.
We will learn following items in this video.
- How to create a Table and insert some duplicate records
- How to write Common Table Expression to find duplicate records
- How to use CTE to delete duplicate records
- How to create an SSIS Package from basic
- How to read data from Flat file to delete matching records in SQL Server Table and leave one
- How to use CTE in OLE DB Command Transformation to Delete Duplicate records
- How to Map Common Table Expression(CTE) parameters to input columns for Delete Duplicate Record.
USE [Test] go --drop table [dbo].[Customer] CREATE TABLE [dbo].[customer] ( [customerid] [INT] NULL, [customername] [VARCHAR](100) NULL, [streetaddress] [VARCHAR](100) NULL, [city] [VARCHAR](100) NULL, [state] [CHAR](2) NULL, [createdon] [DATETIME] NOT NULL, [regioncode] [VARCHAR](100) NULL ) INSERT INTO dbo.customer SELECT * FROM (SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-30 13:38:08.413' AS [CreatedOn], N'Asia' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'2' AS [CustomerId], N'M Raza' AS [CustomerName], N'Test Street Address' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-25 13:21:03.197' AS [CreatedOn], N'Asia' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-24 13:38:39.497' AS [CreatedOn], N'Asia' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-23 13:38:39.497' AS [CreatedOn], N'Asia' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-30 13:40:18.063' AS [CreatedOn], N'Europe' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-28 13:40:18.063' AS [CreatedOn], N'Europe' AS [RegionCode] UNION ALL SELECT N'1' AS [CustomerId], N'Aamir' AS [CustomerName], N'MyStreet' AS [StreetAddress], N'Charlotte' AS [City], N'NC' AS [State], N'2015-04-29 13:40:18.063' AS [CreatedOn], N'Europe' AS [RegionCode]) t; SELECT * FROM dbo.customer --Write Command Table Expression(CTE) to Find Duplicate ; WITH cte_Customer AS (SELECT customerid, customername, streetaddress, city, state, createdon, regioncode, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY customerid, customername ORDER BY createdon) AS Rn FROM dbo.customer WHERE regioncode = 'Asia' ) SELECT * FROM cte_Customer WHERE customerid = 1 AND rn > 1 -- Delete Duplicate Records by using Common Table Expression in OLE DB Command Transformation ; WITH cte AS (SELECT customerid, customername, streetaddress, city, state, createdon, regioncode, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY customerid, customername ORDER BY createdon ) AS Rn FROM dbo.customer WHERE regioncode = ?) DELETE FROM cte WHERE customerid = ? and CustomerName=? AND rn > 1 --USE all the parameters inside the First Query ; WITH cte AS (SELECT customerid, customername, streetaddress, city, state, createdon, regioncode, Row_number() OVER ( partition BY customerid, customername ORDER BY createdon ) AS Rn FROM dbo.customer WHERE regioncode = ? AND customerid = ? AND customername = ?) DELETE FROM cte WHERE rn > 1
Use Command Table Expressions in OLE DB Command Transformation with Parameters in SSIS Package
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