How to Read the data from Rest API (JSON) by using REST Connector and write to CSV File on Azure Blob Storage in Azure Data Factory

 Issue: How to read the data from Rest API (JSON) by using Rest Connector and write to the CSV file on Azure blob storage, in Azure Data factory.

In this article, we are going to learn how to read the data from Rest API which is in .Json format, by using Rest Connector and write it to the CSV file on Azure blob storage, let's start our demonstration, first of all we have some sample data which we are getting from a website, as they provide the free sample data for demo purpose.

First of all open the Azure data factory and go to the Author tab and click on to + sign then click on pipeline to create new pipeline.

Then go to the activities tab and find the copy data activity, then drag it into the working window then go to the source tab and click on + New sign to create new source dataset.

Find and select the rest connector and click on continue.

It will ask for the linked service, click on the + New button to create a new linked service.

Name the linked service, then provide the bass URL from where we are reading the data, then select the authentication type, then select the server certification to enable or disable as per your requirement, then these the connection and then click on create.

Click on the sink tab and then click on the + New button to create a new sink dataset where we write the data.

Find and select the Azure blob storage where we need to write the data, and then click on continue.

Select the CSV file (Delimited Text) as output file format and click on continue.

It will ask for the linked service, click on on + New button to create a new linked service.

Provide the Azure Subscription, Then select the storage account, then test the connection and then click on create.

Select the Output container as output file path and file name and then click on Ok.

Then go to the Mapping tab and click on Import schemas, it will bring the all columns you can add or delete the columns or change the type of column if you need.

Once we are done with our settings click on Debug button. once debug process will be complete you can see your file in the output folder in blob storage.

Video Demo: How to Read the data from Rest API (JSON) by using REST Connector and write to CSV File on Azure Blob Storage in Azure Data Factory

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