Boolean Variable in Azure Data Factory - Real time Example- Control Execution Flow of Activities in Pipeline

Issue: Boolean Variable in Azure Data Factory - Real-time Example- Control Execution Flow of Activities in Pipeline.

In this article, we are going to learn Boolean variables in Azure Data Factory, let's start our demonstration.

First of all, go to the Azure Data Factory Studio and then click on author, then click on the + button then pipeline, to create a new pipeline, and then name the pipeline.

Name the pipeline, then go to the variable tab, and click on the + button to create a new variable, then name the variable, select the type of variable and then give the default value.

Go to the activities tab then find and drag the If condition.

Click on the If condition then go to the activities tab on the bottom, then click on ad dynamic contents to write the expressions.

In this window click on the V Execute and it will add the variable value in the above window then click on ok

Then click on then Ture in the If condition and then bring the wait activity inside.

Find and bring the wait activity inside the true then name the activity and back to if condition.

Then click on false, then find and bring the wait activity inside the false and give the name and back to the if condition, and then click on Debug.

Once the debug process will be completed you will see the results as per our selected value which is ''false''.

Let's change our value to the ''true'' and click on Debug again and see the results.

Video Demo: Boolean Variable in Azure Data Factory - Real-time Example- Control Execution Flow of Activities in Pipeline.