Issue: How to Copy Pipeline from one Data Factory to Another Azure Data Factory - Azure Data Factory Tutorial 2021.
In this article we are going to learn how to copy pipeline from one Azure Data Factory to another Azure Data Factory, in this blog post we are going to give a real-time example, let's start our demonstration.
In this scenario we have an Azure data factory that contains a pipeline, now we have to create a new Azure Data Factory and then copy the pipeline from old Azure Data Factory, to create a data factory go to the Data Factories tab and then click on + New button.
Select Azure Subscription, then resource group, then name the data factory and then click on the Review + Create button.
Once our new Azure data factory is created, then go to our old Azure data factory and go to the Author tab then click on the pipeline which we have to copy, then go to the right corner and click on the ellipsis button and then click on ''Export Template'' once you click on that it will create and download a zip file which we have to import in newly created Azure data factory.
Now Open the Newly created Azure Data Factory, and go to the Manage tab and then click on + New button to create a link service.
Select Azure SQL database and then click on continue.
Then give the same name to the linked service which is in our old data factory, then select the Azure subscription, then Server name, then Provide the database name, then select the authentication type and then provide the user name and password, then test the connection, and then click on create.
Next, go to the author tab, then click on + sign, and then select ''Import from pipeline template'', and then select the zip file which we have downloaded from our old data factory.
Then, name the linked service, then select the Azure subscription, then select the storage account, then test the connection and then click on create and then click on ''Use this template''.
Next, go to the pipeline and click on debug and it will run the pipeline and copy the files.
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