How to create/Drop User in MariaDB

How to Create/Drop User in MariaDB

Create User in MariaDB:

To create a user in MariaDB , you can use below Syntax

MariaDB > Create User 'UserName'@'Server' IDENTIFIED BY 'YourPassword';
Let's say if you need to create user Aamir with password =Aamir$Password, you will be using below statement

MariaDB > Create user 'Aamir'@'localhost' Identified by ' Aamir$Password';

To get the list of all users , below statement can be used.
MariaDB > Select * from mysql.user; 

Drop User in MariaDB: 

To drop user in MariaDB , you can use below statement
MariaDB > Drop User 'UserName'@'HostName';
Let's say if you would like to drop user Aamir that you have created in Localhost, you can use below statement
MariaDB > Drop user 'Aamir'@'Localhost'; 

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