Varchar Data Type in Cassandra - Cassandra / CQL Tutorial

Varchar Data Type in Cassandra

Varchar data type is same like Text Data type in Cassandra.  Varchar data type in Cassandra is used to save UTF-8 encoded string values. I was trying to find what is the difference between Text and Varchar data type in Cassandra but look like they are same. I created the tbs table with column "Name" of varchar type. After creating the table when I checked the definition of table by using describe keyword in CQL, it shows the data type of "Name" column as text.

CQLSH:techbrotherstutorials>CREATE TABLE tbs 
                          id INT PRIMARY KEY, 
                          NAME Varchar


Let's check the definition of table by using Describe Table "TableName" in CQL.

CQLSH:techbrotherstutorials>describe TABLE tbs;

Let's insert couple of records in table which has Name column as varchar data type.

CQLSH:techbrotherstutorials>INSERT INTO tbs 
                        id,   NAME 
            ( 1,  'Doe John'   );


 CQLSH:techbrotherstutorials>INSERT INTO tbs 
                        id,   NAME 
            (  2,  'Test_varchar_123'  );


Check the data in table by using Select query in CQL

CQLSH:techbrotherstutorials>SELECT id, 
FROM   tbs; 

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