How to Grant all the permissions to User in MariaDB

How to Grant all the permissions to User in MariaDB

If you would like to provide all permissions like root user to user account, you can use below command.
First of all let's create a user by using below 
MariaDB > Create User 'UserName'@'localhost';
 To provide all permission including with GRANT , below syntax can be use
MariaDB > GRANT ALL ON *.* To 'UserName'@'HostName'  With GRANT OPTION;

Let's say that you would like to create user Aamir and provide him all the permissions.
MariaDB > Create user 'Aamir'@'localhost' Identified by 'Password'; 

 MariaDB > GRANT ALL ON *.* to 'Aamir'@'localhost' With Grant Option;

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