How to Find Duplicate Records in Kusto Query Language | Kusto Query Language

Topic: How to Find Duplicate Records in Kusto Query Language.

In this article, we are going to learn how to find duplicate records in table by using Kusto  query Language,  that's very simple and easy to find the duplicate records, you can easily learn how to find duplicate records by using the below provided scripts. Kusto Query Language is a powerful tool to explore your data and discover patterns, identify anomalies and outliers, create statistical modeling, and more. The query uses schema entities that are organized in a hierarchy similar to SQL's: databases, tables, and columns. A Kusto query is a read-only request to process data and return results.

 // How to find duplicate records in table by using Kusto Query  
 //create Table and Insert Sample Data in Azure Data Explorer DB for Testing  
 .drop table TotalSale  
 .create table TotalSale (  
   id: int   
   ,SalePersonFName: string  
   ,SalePersonLName : string  
   ,ProductName : string  
   ,ItemsSold : int  
   ,SoldPrice :real  
   ,SoldDate: date  
   ,City : string  
   ,State : string  
   ,Country : string  
   ,Region : string  

      //Insert data  
       .ingest inline into table TotalSale <|  
 11,Tamara,Tony,Cell Phone,2,1200,2015-03-03,Frankfurt,Hesse,Germany,Europe  
 3,Christy,Ladson,TV,3,1600,2015-04-02,High Point,NC,USA,North America  
 7,Chirag,Patel,Cell Phone,5,1500,2015-06-23,AhmadAbad,Gujrat,India,Asia  
 2,M,Raza,Cell Phone,2,800,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  
 4,John,Rivers,Laptop,5,2400,2014-03-09,Jersey City,NJ,USA,North America  
 1,Aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,700,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  
 12,aamir,Shahzad,TV,1,7000,2015-07-15,Charlotte,NC,USA,North America  

 // Find duplicate records by   
 |  summarize count() by id,SalePersonFName,SalePersonLName  
 | where count_ >1  
 |  summarize rn=count() by tolower(SalePersonFName),tolower(SalePersonLName)  
 | where rn>1  

Video Demo: How to Find Duplicate Records in Kusto Query Language | Kusto Query Language

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post with all the necessary details JoeMcKinley

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