How to Compare two tables for Column Names in SQL Server - SQL Server / TSQL Tutorial


We as developer often need to find if two tables has the same number of columns and the columns matched. We like to see information

List of Columns match in both table
Column/s which does not exists in Table1 or Source Table
Column/s which does not exists in Table2 or Destination Table


We can use below query. I have created couple of sample tables so you can see what our query will return.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Table1 (
    id INT
    ,fname VARCHAR(100)
    ,lname VARCHAR(100)
    ,address VARCHAR(50)

CREATE TABLE dbo.Table2 (
    id INT
    ,NAME VARCHAR(100)
    ,address VARCHAR(50)

Let's run below query after providing the Schema Names and Table Names. 
--Provide the Schema and Table Names for comparison
DECLARE @Table1Schema VARCHAR(50) = 'dbo'
DECLARE @Table2Schema VARCHAR(50) = 'dbo'
DECLARE @Table1Name VARCHAR(50) = 'Table1'
DECLARE @Table2Name VARCHAR(50) = 'table2'


AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = @Table1Schema
        AND table_name = @Table1Name
AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM information_schema.columns
    WHERE table_schema = @Table2Schema
        AND table_name = @Table2Name
    IsNull(cte1.Column_Name, cte2.Column_Name) AS ColumnName
        WHEN cte1.Column_Name = cte2.Column_Name
            THEN 'Exists in Both Tables ( ' + @Table1Name + ' , ' + @Table2Name + ' )'
        WHEN cte1.Column_Name IS NULL
            THEN 'Does not Exists in ' + @Table1Name
        WHEN cte2.Column_Name IS NULL
            THEN 'Does not Exists in ' + @Table2Name
        END AS IsMatched
FULL JOIN cte2 ON cte1.Column_Name = cte2.Column_Name

Output for comparison of two tables columns
How to compare two tables columns in SQL server to find matching, Not matching Columns - SQL Server Tutorial / TSQL Tutorial


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