Scenario: Download Script
You are working as SQL Server Developer or T-SQL developer on one of the Project that involve data analysis. You got this requirement in which you need to get the max and min value for each of the column in all the tables in a SQL Server Database. You will be finding max and min values for columns of data types integer, big integer, small int, tiny int, float,decimal,numeric and real.
We will be using Cursor to loop through all tables for each of the column to find max and min value. We will save the record in temp table for each column and show at the end of query. We will get Database Name, Schema Name, Table Name, Column Name, Column Data Type, Max Value and Min Value.
USE YourDBName GO DECLARE @DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @SchemaName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @TableName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @ColumnName VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @FullyQualifiedTableName VARCHAR(500) DECLARE @DataType VARCHAR(50) --Create Temp Table to Save Results IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Results') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results CREATE TABLE #Results ( DatabaseName VARCHAR(100) ,SchemaName VARCHAR(100) ,TableName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnName VARCHAR(100) ,ColumnDataType VARCHAR(50) ,MaxValue VARCHAR(50) ,MinValue VARCHAR(50) ) DECLARE Cur CURSOR FOR SELECT DB_Name() AS DatabaseName ,s.[name] AS SchemaName ,t.[name] AS TableName ,c.[name] AS ColumnName ,'[' + DB_Name() + ']' + '.[' + s.NAME + '].' + '[' + T.NAME + ']' AS FullQualifiedTableName ,d.[name] AS DataType FROM sys.schemas s INNER JOIN sys.tables t ON s.schema_id = t.schema_id INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.object_id = c.object_id INNER JOIN sys.types d ON c.user_type_id = d.user_type_id WHERE d.NAME LIKE '%int%' OR d.NAME LIKE '%float%' OR d.NAME LIKE '%decimal%' OR d.NAME LIKE '%numeric%' OR d.NAME LIKE '%real%' OR d.NAME LIKE '%money%' AND is_identity = 0 OPEN Cur FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) = NULL SET @SQL = ' Select ''' + @DatabaseName + ''' AS DatabaseName, ''' + @SchemaName + ''' AS TableName, ''' + @TableName + ''' AS SchemaName, ''' + @ColumnName + ''' AS ColumnName, ''' + @DataType + ''' AS ColumnName, (Select MAX(' + @ColumnName + ') from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + ' with (nolock)) AS MaxValue, (Select MIN(' + @ColumnName + ') from ' + @FullyQualifiedTableName + ' with (nolock)) AS MaxValue' PRINT @SQL INSERT INTO #Results EXEC (@SQL) FETCH NEXT FROM Cur INTO @DatabaseName ,@SchemaName ,@TableName ,@ColumnName ,@FullyQualifiedTableName ,@DataType END CLOSE Cur DEALLOCATE Cur SELECT * FROM #Results --drop table #Results
I executed above code on one of my database and here are my results for max and min values for each of the column for all the tables in SQL Server Database.
How to find Max and Min values for all the columns dynamically in All Tables in SQL Server Database - SQL server Tutorial / T-SQL Tutorial
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