How to use Performance Reports in MySQL Workbench - MySQL DBA Tutorial

How to use Performance Reports in MySQL Workbench

Performance reports are one of the best feature that is provided by MySQL Workbench. It provides very detail information for debugging and taking a look what is going on on MySQL Server. 

You can find all below information by using Performance Reports, The information is copied from MySQL website, link here

Top File I/O Activity Report: Show the files performing the most IOs (in bytes)

Top I/O by File by Time: Show the highest IO usage by file and latency

Top I/O by Event Category: Show the highest IO Data usage by event categories

Top I/O in Time by Event Categories: Show the highest IO time consumers by event categories

Top I/O Time by User/Thread: Show the top IO time consumers by user/thread

Statement Analysis: Lists statements with aggregated statistics

Statements in Highest 5 Percent by Runtime: Lists the top 5% statements with the highest runtime (in microseconds),

Using Temp Tables: Lists all statements that use temporary tables -- accesses the highest number of disk temporary tables, then memory temp tables

With Sorting: List all normalized statements that have done sorts, and accesses them in the following priority order -- sort_merge_passes, sort_scans, then sort_rows

Full Table Scans: Lists statements that performed a full table scan. Accesses query performance and the where clause(s), and if no index is used then it recommends adding indexes for large tables

Errors or Warnings: Lists statements that have raised errors or warnings

Schema Object Overview (High Overhead): Shows counts by object type for each schema

This can take a long time to execute on instances with a large number of objects.

Schema Index Statistics

Schema Table Statistics

Schema Table Statistics (with InnoDB buffer)

Tables with Full Table Scans: Finds tables that are being accessed by full table scans, ordering them by the number of rows scanned (DESC)

Unused Indexes: List of indexes that were never used since the server started or since P_S data collection started

Waits by Time: Lists the top wait events by their total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

Waits by User by Time: Lists the top wait events by their total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

Wait Classes by Time: Lists the top wait classes by total time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

Waits Classes by Average Time: Lists the top wait classes by average time, ignoring idle (this often contain large values)

InnoDB Buffer Stats by Schema: Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating it by schema

InnoDB Buffer Stats by Table: Summarizes the output of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE table, aggregating it by schema and table name

MySQL Workbench Tutorial - How to use Performance Reports

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