SSIS Video Tutorial

If you are looking for the real time scenarios/ Examples or type of work developer perform on Job as ETL developer. You are looking at the right place. The videos explain different scenarios those can answer your so many questions and also helpful if you are going for SSIS/ETL developer interview.

Starting with SSIS 


  1. How to Load Tab Delimited File To SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  2. How to Load Pipe Delimited File into SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  3. How to Load Multiple Comma Delimited Files to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  4. How to Load Fixed  Width Text File to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  5. How to load Data From Comma Delimited text file to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  6. How to convert blank values to Null in Flat File Source in SSIS Package
  7. How to use Raw File Source in SSIS Package
  8. Fast Parse Flat File Source Property in SSIS Package 
  9. How to Redirect Rows from Flat File Source for Data Conversion Error and Truncation Error?
  10. How to use Stored Procedure with Parameters in OLE DB Source in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package 


  1. How to Create Fixed Width Text File with DateTime  from SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  2. How to Create Pipe Delimited file with Date Time in SSIS Package from SQL Server Table
  3. How to Create Comma Delimited file with Date Time from SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  4. How to Create Tab Delimited text file from SQL Server Table with Date Time in SSIS Package
  5. How to use Raw File Destination in SSIS Package?
  6. How to Enable/Disable Trigger while Loading Data to OLE DB Destination
  7. How to use RecordSet Destination in SSIS Package?
  1. How to Read Files according to Extension and Load them to a SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  2. How To Load Files to Different Tables according to the File Name in SSIS Package
  3. How to load multiple Excel files to SQL Server Table and then archive them by adding date time to them?
  4. How to Execute Multiple dot SQL files by using SSIS Package 
  5. How to Extract file names from Folders and save in SQL Server Table by using SSIS Package
  6. How to Archive files with Date-time after loading into SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  7. How to Create Multiple Files from a SQL Server Table in SSIS Package

SSIS Logging

  1. How to configure Windows Event Log type logging in SSIS Package  
  2. How to Create SQL Server Profiler Type logging in SSIS Package
  3. How to create XML file file with Datetime for each SSIS Package execution
  4. Enable SQL Server type logging in SSIS Package
  5. How to create Text Log file with Date-time on each SSIS Package execution  

Precedence Constraints

  1. Annotated Precedence Constraints in SSIS Package
  2. How to use Precedence Constraints in SSIS Package
  3. What are Precedence Constraint in SSIS and How to Write Expression on them


  1. What are System Variables in SSIS Package 
  2. Project and Package Parameters - How to Create Package and Project Parameters in SSIS Solution and SSIS Package
  3. How to create folder with Date in SSIS Package 
  4. How to create Monthly Archive Folders in SSIS Package 
  5. How to display variable value by using Script Task while debugging SSIS Package


FTP Task / Script Task

  1.  FTP Task - How to Upload Single File to FTP Server from Local Folder in SSIS Package
  2.  FTP Task - How to Download Single File from FTP Server to Local Folder in SSIS Package
  3. FTP Task  - How to Upload Multiple Files from Local Folder To FTP Server Folder in SSIS Package
  4. FTP Task -  How to Download All the files from FTP Server Folder to Local Folder in SSIS Package
  5. FTP Task - Filter Files by using WildCard in FTP Task in SSIS Package for downloading
  6. FTP Task - Delete Specific Files or All Files from FTP Server Folder by using SSIS Package
  7. FTP Task - Download Only Current Day Files from FTP Server by using FTP Task in SSIS Package
  8. FTP Task - Create A Directory Folder For Each Day and Load Files on FTP Server by using SSIS Package
  9. Get File Names from FTP Server and Save to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package by using Script Task
  10. FTP Task and Script Task - How to Avoid FTP Task error when no file found on FTP Server
  11. FTP Task and Script Task - How to Delete Folder with Files from FTP Server by using SSIS Package
  12. FTP Task and Script Task  - Download a File from FTP Site and Delete after Download in SSIS Package
  13. FTP Task and Script Task - Sync Local Folder to FTP Server Folder without Upload Existing Files by SSIS Package
  14. Sync FTP Folder to Local Folder without Downloading Existing Files by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  15. FTP Task/Script Task - Rename File on FTP Server After Downloading in SSIS Package
  16. FTP Task/Script Task -How to move file from one folder to another folder on FTP server by using SSIS Package
  17. FTP Task - Create Local Folder with Date on Daily basis and load files from FTP Folder in SSIS Package
  18. FTP Task - How to Save Password,User Name,Ftp Server Name as variables/Parameters in SSIS Package to make SSIS Package Dynamic to run in SIT, UAT, QA and Prod.

Script Task

  1. Project and Package Parameters - How to use Project Level Parameters and Package Level Parameters in Script Task in SSIS Package
  2. Script Task - How to use Variables in Script Task by using C# or VB NET Scripting Language
  3. Script Task - How to Run Stored Procedure in Script Task in SSIS Package and log FTP Folder Names to SQL Server Table
  4. How to display variable value from Script Task in SSIS Package
  5. How to use ReadOnlyVariables and ReadWriteVariables feature in Script Task
  6. How to Delete Top N Rows from Flat File Source
  7. How to load file's information to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  8. How to Purge Old Files (Delete Old Files From Folders By using SSIS Script Task) 
Zip/Unzip in SSIS Package by using Script Task 
  1. How to change .NET Framework version in Script Task and Add Reference to Assembly(ZipFile Demo)
  2. Load Text Files,Zip them to Folder with Datetime and Delete From Input Directory in SSIS Package
  3. Extract Files From Zip Files and Delete the Zip Files once Unzipped in SSIS Package
  4. Load File/s, Zip and Delete from Source Folder in SSIS Package
  5. Zip ( Compress) Files and Add them to Folder According to Extension in SSIS Package
  6. Zip or Compress Files according to the Name of Files in SSIS Package 
  7. Get File names from Zip Files and Insert into SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  8. How to Zip ( Compress) Multiple Folders and Delete in SSIS Package
  9. Create Zip file per day with Date Only and Add Files to it in SSIS Package
Excel Source and Destinations (Script Task- Dynamic)
  1. How to Load Data from Excel Files when Number of Columns can decrease or order is changed in Excel Sheet
  2. How to Load Only Matching Column Data to SQL Server Table from Multiple Excel Files (Single Sheet per file) Dynamically in SSIS Package
  3. How to Load Excel File Names with Sheet Names ,Row Count,Last Modified Date, File Size in SQL Server Table
  4. How to Load Multiple Excel Files with Multiple Sheets to Single SQL Server Table by using SSIS Package
  5. How to Load Matching Sheets from Excel to Table and Log Not Matching Sheets Information in SQL Server Table
  6. How to create Table for each sheet in Excel Files and load data to it dynamically in SSIS Package
  7. How to Create Table per Excel File and Load all Sheets Data Dynamically in SSIS Package by using Script Task 
  8. How to create CSV file per Excel File and Load All Sheets from Excel File to it in SSIS Package
  9. How to Create CSV File for Each Excel Sheet from Excel Files in SSIS Package
  10. How to Load Excel File Name and Sheet Name with Data to SQL Server in SSIS Package
  11. How to Import data from Multiple Excel Sheets with a pattern of sheet names from Multiple Excel File in SSIS Package
  12. How to import Data from Excel Files for specific Sheet Name to SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  13. Load Data To Tables according to Excel Sheet Names from Excel Files dynamically in SSIS Package
  14. How to Load Excel Files with Single/ Multiple Sheets to SQL Server Tables according to Excel File Name Dynamically
  15. How to Read Excel Sheet Data after Skipping Rows in SSIS Package by using Script Task 
  16. How to read data from Excel Sheet and Load to Multiple Tables by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  17. How to create Excel File Dynamically from SQL server Table/View by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  18. How to create Excel File Dynamically for Stored Procedure Results in SSIS Package by using Script Task
  19. How to Export SQL Server Tables from Database to Excel File Dynamically in SSIS Package by using Script Task
  20. How to Convert CSV/Text Files to Excel Files in SSIS Package by using Script Task
  21. How to Load All CSV Files to Excel Sheets ( Sheet Per CSV) in single Excel File in SSIS Package
  22. How to Load All CSV Files to Single Excel Sheet with File Names in an Excel File Dynamically in SSIS Package
  23. How to Create Sample Excel file with Sheet from each table with Top 1000 Rows per sheet in SSIS Package
  24. How to Export Data to Multiple Excel Sheets from Single SQL Server Table in SSIS Package
  25. How to split large table data into multiple Excel Sheets on Single Excel File by using SSIS Package
  26. How to Export All tables of a database to Excel Files with Date-time in SSIS Package
  27. How to read Cell Value from Excel by using Script Task in SSIS Package
Dynamic Text / CSV Files with Script Task
  1. How to Import Multiple Text or CSV files to SQL Server Table by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  2. How to Load Text /CSV files with same or less columns than destination table by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  3. How to load Data from Multiple Text / CSV Files to SQL Server Table with File Name by using Script Task in SSIS Package
  4. How to Create Tables Dynamically from Flat Files and load Data in SSIS Package
  5. How to load Flat files to SQL Server Tables according to the Name of Flat File in SSIS Package
  6. How to Create Multiple Text/CSV Files Dynamically From a SQL Server Table depending upon Distinct  Column Value in SSIS Package
  7. How to Export large table to multiple text/csv files by row count in SSIS Package
  8. How to create Text / CSV File Dynamically from Table or View in SSIS Package
  9. How to create Text / CSV File Dynamically from Stored Procedure Results in SSIS Package
  10. How to Load all text/csv files to single Text/CSV File from a folder in SSIS Package
  11. How to export all the tables from a database to CSV files with date-time in SSIS Package
  12. How to create Tables Dynamically from Tab Delimited Files and Load data in SSIS Package

Execute SQL Task

  1. Execute SQL Task Demo for Max Size of SQL Statement in Execute SQL Task Query Editor and Solution
  2. Execute SQL Task Demo- How to Build Dynamic SQL Query to Execute Multiple Stored Procedures those names are saved in a SQL Server Table
  3. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to Execute SQL Queries from a SQL Server Table in SSIS Package ( SQLStatementType= Variable)
  4. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to Execute SQL Queries from Excel file in SSIS Package ( Record Set Destination, Object Type Variable and Foreach Loop Container Demo as well)
  5. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to use Single Row Result Set in Execute SQL Task and Control the Flow Tasks by using that value ( Precedence Constraint Demo as well).
  6. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to use Insert Query in Execute SQL Task and Map the variables to Parameters ( Insert File Name and Record Count after Loading the File).
  7. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to use Stored Procedure with Input/Output Parameters in Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package( Load File Name, Package Name , Record Count and File Load Time in SQL Server Table).
  8. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to build Query by using Variables in Execute SQL Task ( File Name validation and move files to Archive folder and Bad File Folder if does not validation correctly)
  9. Execute SQL Task Demo - How to use Full Result Set in Execute SQL Task ( Get Folder Path and File Names from SQL Table and Load those files)
  10. Execute SQL Task - How to Load Files from Specific Folder Paths Saved in a SQL Table By using SSIS Package
  11. Execute SQL Task ( use Variable value in Expressions Demo) - How to Reject Already Loaded Files and Load Only New Files in SSIS Package
  12. Execute SQL Task ( Handle Single Row Result Set Blank Error) -Single Row result set is specified, but no rows were returned in Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package
  13. Execute SQL Task ( Save Result Set to Variable Demo) - How to Return Deleted and Update 
  14. Record Count from Execute SQL Task and Write to Flat File in SSIS Package
  15. Execute SQL Task ( Build Dynamic Query in Variable and use as Source ) - How to Save Query in Variable and Use in Execute SQL Task 
  16. Execute SQL Task Expression's Demo - Using Variable in IF Clause in Execute SQL Task in SSIS Package
  17. Execute SQL Task ( Parameter Mapping Demo for Stored Procedures) - How to Run multiple Stored Procedure in Execute SQL Task with Input Parameters
  18. Read Single Cell Value from an Excel File in SSIS Package

File System Task

Expression Task

Transformations / Data Flow Task

 Data Flow Task

  1. How to Load Single File to Multiple Server, Change Destination Connection Dynamically
  2. How to Load Specific Excel Sheet from Excel File to SQL Server Table

OLE DB Command Transformation

  1.  Introduction to OLE DB Command Transformation( Perform Update/Delete)
  2. How to use Stored Procedure Output Parameter in OLE DB Command Transformation in SSIS Package?
  3. OLE DB Command Transformation - Insert Operation Demo
  4. OLE DB Command Transformation - Delete Operation Demo
  5. OLE DB Command Transformation - Update Operation Demo
  6. OLE DB Command Transformation - Call Stored Procedure with Input Parameters Demo
  7. OLE DB Command Transformation - Use Sub Query with Parameters in OLE DB Command Transformation to update records in a Table
  8. OLE DB Command Transformation ( Use Common Table Expressions to Delete Duplicate Records in OLE DB Command Transformation with Input Parameters)
  9. OLE DB Command Transformation ( How to Call Multiple Stored Procedure with input parameters in OLE DB Command Transformation in SSIS Package)
  10. OLE DB Command Transformation ( How to Run Multiple Statements Update/Insert/Delete with parameters in OLE DB Command Transformation in SSIS Package)
  11. OLE DB Command Transformation ( How to build Dynamic SQLCommand for OLE DB Command Transformation in SSIS Package)

Lookup Transformation

  1. How To Use Dynamic Query in Lookup Transformation in SSIS Package
  2. Use Stored Procedure with Parameters in Lookup Transformation ( Full Cache Mode) in SSIS Package 
  3. How to Force Lookup Transformation to Work as Case In-Sensitive in SSIS Package
  4. Does Lookup Transformation perform Left Outer Join or Not in SSIS Package
  5. How Null values will be matched in Lookup Transformation in Diff Modes(Full Cache,Partial or No Cache)
  6. How to Handle "Row yielded no match during lookup". Error in SSIS Package
  7. How Lookup Transformation works for Duplicate Records in Reference Data Set
  8. How to Load Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1 by using Lookup Transformation ( UpSert Operation)
  9. Detailed Demo on Lookup Transformation Modes ( Full Cache, Partial, No Cache) by using SQL Server Profiler
  10. Diff between Inner join ( Merge Join Transformation) and Lookup Transformation ( Matched Output)

Cache Transformation

Sampling Transformations

  1. Row Sampling Transformation Demo
  2. Percentage Sampling Transformation in SSIS Package Demo

Conditional Split Transformation

  1. Intro to Merge Join Transformation in SSIS Package
  2. How to perform Cross Join in Data Flow Task in SSIS Package 

Merge Transformation

Audit Transformation

UnPivot Transformation 

Event Handlers

  1. What are Event Handlers in SSIS Package 
  2. What are the advantages of using Event Handlers in SSIS Package
  3. What Type of Tasks we can use in Event Handlers
  4. Understanding Executable in Event Handlers

Parent Child Packages

  1. Parent Child Package

Debugging SSIS Package

SSIS Package Deployment / Configuration


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  2. where can find the text for all the videos.

  3. Thank you very much for spending so much time making these videos.I've learned a lot.

  4. Hi, I have question regarding an SSIS Script task implementation. Where/How can I ask? ... Thanks

  5. hi, how to handle the 13645___1646 handle the column values in flat file to load the sql database..

  6. Hi, I am getting Below error while reading excel file through script task:
    "The Microsoft Access database engine could not find the object ''Activity list$'A6:BA'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly. If ''Activity list$'A6:BA' is not a local object, check your network connection or contact the server administrator."

    If I try to read excel file without specifying startColumn, StartRow and endingColumn,It works. But with this parameter it is showing above error.

    Can you please help me out, Its urgent.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi,
    please upload a video for How to Create Multiple Excel Files from a SQL Server Table using SSIS Package.

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