In this video of SSRS Tutorial, You will be learning
- How to create Stored Procedure with Multi value parameter
- How to configure Multi value parameter in SSRS Report
- How to provide values to Parameter by using Query
ALTER Procedure dbo.sp_TotalSale @Region VARCHAR(500) AS BEGIN Declare @var_Region VARCHAR(500) SET @var_Region=Replace(@Region,',',''',''') --print @var_Region Declare @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQL =' Select [SalePersonFName] ,[SalePersonLName] ,[ProductName] ,[ItemsSold] ,[SoldPrice] ,[SoldDate] ,[City] ,[State] ,[Country] ,[Region] into ##Temp from dbo.TotalSale where Region in ('''+@var_Region+''')' --Print @SQL Execute( @SQL ) Select * From ##Temp drop table ##Temp END Execute dbo.sp_TotalSale 'Asia,Europe'
Use Stored Procedure with Multi value Parameter in SSRS Report - SSRS Tutorial
Good evening. Why do we need to create a function or use dymanic SQL for multi valued params in USP but we don't need it if we're writing a query instead of using USP?
I don't understand this Procedure if You can explain me??