SSIS Tutorial Part 08 - How to use Raw File Source in SSIS Package

In this video of SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS) Tutorial, you will learn how to use Raw File Source in SSIS Package.

This video can also be used to answer the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Interview Question "
Can I read a csv file with Raw File Source?  If not, what type of files can I read by using Raw File Source?"

How to use Raw File Source in SSIS Package - SQL Server Integration Services ( SSIS ) Tutorial

Check out our other related posts/videos on different SSIS Sources


  1. can u give source file? because, i m not perform practically your task .

  2. Can you please share the sample file which you have used in video, that will be helpful to practice.

  3. Thank you. Is there anyway that you can provide us the source files so that we can follow you as you are performing? Thank you.

  4. can you provide the raw file ?

  5. It's better to use salesforce ssis connector when you work with SSIS.

  6. how will enable logging to a sql server table for .dtsx files
