SSRS Interview Questions - How would you Edit already deployed SSRS Report?

As developers we create different type of scripts, Reports and SSIS Packages etc. The best practice is to check in all the scripts, reports, SSIS Packages or any other code in version control software.

Different companies use different version control software to save the scripts and other objects. Team Foundation Server is example of Microsoft version control software.

Scenario 1: When Report is checked in Version Control Software

If you or other developer has checked in the report in TFS or any other version control software, Checkout to your local folder and follow below steps
  • Open Report by using SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools)
  • Make all required changes to report
  • Save the Report and Check-in to TFS or other version control software you are using
  • Provide the location of Report to DBA so he can deploy to Report Server. If you have Permission to deploy, go ahead and deploy from SSDT.

Scenario 2: When Report is not checked in Version Control Software

In case you have not saved the report definition in TFS or any other version control software but report is available on report Server only. You have two options

 1) Click on drop down arrow next to report, go to Edit with Report Builder. It will open your report with Report Builder. You can make changes and save back to Report Server if have permissions. I will suggest to save report definition file in TFS as well so next time you can use from there.

2) Click on drop down arrow next to report, Go to Download. Download the report to your local folder. Create a new SSRS Project in SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) and add report to Project.
Now you can make any changes and then save. From SSDT you have the option to deploy report to Report Server if you have permissions. At this point it is good idea to save the report to TFS or any version control software and provide the location path to DBA so he/she can take report from there and deploy to Report Server.

Important Note:
In case your company is not using any version control software, then make sure you take the backups of Report Server database regularly.


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